ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang partisipasi dan bentuk resiprositas anggota
kelompok (UPPKS) Lentera dan faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat
partisipasi dan resiprositas anggota kelompok. Penelitian ini mengunakan
pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Hasil penelitian
menggambarkan bahwa proses partisipasi anggota tergambar melalui kegiatan
produksi, pelatihan keterampilan, kegiatan rutin bulanan, dan kegiatan pameran.
Bentuk resiprositas anggota kelompok UPPKS Lentera tergambar melalui
kegiatan anggota yang berkaitan dengan tugas kelompok dan tugas
kemasyarakatan. Sedangkan faktor pendukung dan penghambat partisipasi dan
resiprositas kelompok adalah faktor internal kelompok.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses about the participation and reciprocity form the
group members (UPPKS) Lantern and the factors that support and hinder
participation and reciprocity members of the group. This study uses a qualitative
approach with case study. The research result shows that the participation of
members drawn through production activities , skills training , regular monthly
activities , and exhibition activities . Reciprocity form the group members UPPKS
Lantern illustrated through activities related to the members of the task group and
civic duties . While enabling and inhibiting factors of participation and reciprocity
is a factor group consisting of internal groups, This thesis discusses about the participation and reciprocity form the
group members (UPPKS) Lantern and the factors that support and hinder
participation and reciprocity members of the group . This study uses a qualitative
approach with case study. The research result shows that the participation of
members drawn through production activities , skills training , regular monthly
activities , and exhibition activities . Reciprocity form the group members UPPKS
Lantern illustrated through activities related to the members of the task group and
civic duties . While enabling and inhibiting factors of participation and reciprocity
is a factor group consisting of internal groups]