ABSTRAKStatus hidrasi dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor termasuk usia. Perubahan fisiologis
yang terjadi pada lansia yaitu penurunan sensasi rasa haus, penurunan sekresi
aldosteron, dan penurunan fungsi luhur dapat menyebabkan peningkatan risiko
dehidrasi pada lansia. Penelitian analitik observasional dengan metode potong
lintang telah dilakukan di rumah binaan lansia Atmabrata, Cilincing Jakarta Utara,
dengan tujuan untuk menilai status hidrasi pada lansia dan faktor-faktor yang
berhubungan yaitu asupan cairan dan aktivitas fisik. Lima puluh sembilan subjek
berhasil menyelesaikan protokol penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
27,1% lansia mengalami dehidrasi dengan menggunakan indikator berat jenis urin
dan 49,2% lansia tidak terhidrasi dengan baik dengan menggunakan indikator
warna urin. Rerata asupan cairan subjek adalah 1327,97 ± 407,75 mL, dan
terdapat 72,9% subjek dengan aktivitas fisik rendah. Tidak terdapat hubungan
antara status hidrasi dengan asupan cairan (p>0,05), dan sebaliknya terdapat
hubungan yang bermakna antara berat jenis urin dengan tingkat aktivitas fisik (p
ABSTRACTHydration status can be affected among others by age. Dehydration risk is higher
in the elderly. Physiological changes such as decreasing sensation of thirst,
decreasing secretion of aldosterone and impaired cognitive fuction could be the
causes of dehydration among elderly. Analytic observational by using cross
sectional study design conducted in Atmabrata nursing home, Cilincing North
Jakarta has been done to asses hydration status in the elderly and its related
factors, i.e fluid intake and physical activity. Fifty nine subjects accomplished the
study protocol. Based on the urine specific gravity measure, it shows that 27.1%
elderly was dehydrated and by using urine color chart, it shows that 49.2% elderly
was not hydrated properly. The fluid intake average of the subject was 1327.97 ±
407.75 mL, and there was 72.9% subject with low physical activity. There was no
significant association between hydration status and fluid intake (p>0.05). There
was significant association between urine specific gravity status and level physical
activity (p<0.001)., Hydration status can be affected among others by age. Dehydration risk is higher
in the elderly. Physiological changes such as decreasing sensation of thirst,
decreasing secretion of aldosterone and impaired cognitive fuction could be the
causes of dehydration among elderly. Analytic observational by using cross
sectional study design conducted in Atmabrata nursing home, Cilincing North
Jakarta has been done to asses hydration status in the elderly and its related
factors, i.e fluid intake and physical activity. Fifty nine subjects accomplished the
study protocol. Based on the urine specific gravity measure, it shows that 27.1%
elderly was dehydrated and by using urine color chart, it shows that 49.2% elderly
was not hydrated properly. The fluid intake average of the subject was 1327.97 ±
407.75 mL, and there was 72.9% subject with low physical activity. There was no
significant association between hydration status and fluid intake (p>0.05). There
was significant association between urine specific gravity status and level physical
activity (p<0.001).]