[Bilateral Investment Treaty merupakan perjanjian internasional antara dua negara yang berfungsi untuk melindungi kepentingan investor asing dan host state. Klausul ekspropriasi merupakan salah satu kalusul penting dalam BIT guna melindungi hak investor asing dari perampasan property secara langsung maupun kerugian lain yang mungkin timbul. Ekspropriasi terbagi menjadi indirect expropriation dan indirect expropriation. Thesis ini mencoba mengalisis ruang lingkup dari indirect expropriation dalam hubungannya dengan kedaulatan negara
dalam mengambil kebijakan berdasarkan pada hukum internasional;Bilateral Investment Treaty is a treaty between two States which functions to protect investor?s interest, as well as, the host state?s. Expropriation clause is one of the importent clauses in BITs to protect the right of foreign investor from the act of confiscation of property directly, and its subsequent injuries. Expropriation consists of direct expropriation and indirect expropriation. This thesis tries to
analyze the scope of indirect expropriation, related to the State?s sovereignty in taking policies based on international law.;Bilateral Investment Treaty is a treaty between two States which functions to
protect investor?s interest, as well as, the host state?s. Expropriation clause is one
of the importent clauses in BITs to protect the right of foreign investor from the
act of confiscation of property directly, and its subsequent injuries. Expropriation
consists of direct expropriation and indirect expropriation. This thesis tries to
analyze the scope of indirect expropriation, related to the State?s sovereignty in
taking policies based on international law., Bilateral Investment Treaty is a treaty between two States which functions to
protect investor’s interest, as well as, the host state’s. Expropriation clause is one
of the importent clauses in BITs to protect the right of foreign investor from the
act of confiscation of property directly, and its subsequent injuries. Expropriation
consists of direct expropriation and indirect expropriation. This thesis tries to
analyze the scope of indirect expropriation, related to the State’s sovereignty in
taking policies based on international law.]