ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai citra Jokowi-JK sebagai pemimpin politik yang
ditampilkan dalam foto kolase di media sosial Instagram. Foto kolase yang
menampilkan Jokowi dan JK bersama tokoh-tokoh internasional akan dianalisa
menggunakan metode semiotika Roland Barthes untuk membedah foto kolase dan
mengetahui mitos yang dikonstruksikan dalam foto kolase tersebut. Teori yang
digunakan adalah teori konstruksi realitas sosial milik Peter L.Berger dan Thomas
Luckmann. Dalam penelitian ditemukan bentuk kepemimpinan baru yang
mengubah nilai-nilai kepemimpinan lama yang mana bentuk kepemimpinan baru
ini digambarkan melalui aspek visual, verbal, dan teknis dalam foto kolase. Proses
konstruksi realitas sosial melalui tiga tahapan yaitu eksternalisasi, objektivasi, dan
internalisasi dapat menjelaskan bagaimana simbol-simbol visual dalam foto
kolase dapat mengkonstruksikan image politik seseorang.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the Jokowi-JK’s image as political leaders that appeared on
the photo collages in social media Instagram. Photo collage that exposed Jokowi-
JK with international musicians and figures will be analyzed using the method of
semiotic Roland Barthes to explore photo collages and to know myths constructed
in photo collages. The theory that used in this research is the theory of social
construction of reality belongs to Peter L.Berger and Thomas Luckmann.
Researcher discovered a new form of leadership that changed the old leadership
values which form the new leadership. This kind of leadership is illustrated
through visual aspect, verbal, and technical in the photo collages. The
construction process of social reality through three stages, namely externalization,
objectivation, and internalization can explain how visual symbols in a photo
collage can construct one's political image., This thesis discusses the Jokowi-JK’s image as political leaders that appeared on
the photo collages in social media Instagram. Photo collage that exposed Jokowi-
JK with international musicians and figures will be analyzed using the method of
semiotic Roland Barthes to explore photo collages and to know myths constructed
in photo collages. The theory that used in this research is the theory of social
construction of reality belongs to Peter L.Berger and Thomas Luckmann.
Researcher discovered a new form of leadership that changed the old leadership
values which form the new leadership. This kind of leadership is illustrated
through visual aspect, verbal, and technical in the photo collages. The
construction process of social reality through three stages, namely externalization,
objectivation, and internalization can explain how visual symbols in a photo
collage can construct one's political image.]