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UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Analisa total organic carbon maturity brittleness index dan inversi seismik untuk mengidentifikasi potensi gas serpih di formasi baong bagian bawah-cekungan Sumatera Utara = Total organic carbon maturity brittleness index and seismic inversion analysist to identification of shale gas potential of the lower baong formation North Sumatera basin

Karnadi Syachrul; Abdul Haris, supervisor; Andang Bachtiar, supervisor; Dedi Suyanto, examiner; Basuki Puspoputro, examiner; Alpius Dwi Guntara, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2015)


Formasi Baong bagian bawah bertanggung jawab sebagai batuan induk
yang mengisi reservoar batupasir pada lapangan minyak dan gas di bagian
tenggara Cekungan Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan data dan fakta
dari laboratorium, pengeboran, wireline well log dan seismik melalui studi analisa
petrofisika, geokimia, geomekanika dan geofisika Formasi Baong bagian bawah.
Pemahaman tentang geokimia, mineralogi dan geomekanika serpih sangat penting
untuk memahami bagaimana reservoir serpih memiliki potensi untuk cadangan
dan produksi ketika dilakukan stimulasi. Analisis laboratorium geokimia
digunakan untuk menentukan kekayaan, kematangan dan kerogen tipe. Penelitian
ini mengklasifikasikan serpih berdasarkan kekayaan organik, kematangan, jenis,
kekuatan serpih, kerapuhan serpih dan kandungan clay. Formasi Baong bagian
bawah yang menjadi target pada studi ini terletak pada kedalaman 1778-2428 m
(TVD), memiliki material organik yang kaya dengan TOC berkisar antara 1,88-
3,85% wt, tingkat kematangan 12% sudah matang dan 88% belum matang, serta
menghasilkan 20% kerogen tipe III dan 80% kerogen tipe II/III sehingga dapat
dijadikan sebagai batuan induk yang berpotensi menghasilkan gas dan
gas/minyak. Rigiditas Formasi Baong bagian bawah sangat sangat brittle dengan
memiliki rata ? rata kandungan mineral kuarsa 33,7% dan mineral brittle seperti
kalsit 8,8%, dolomit 1,8% dan siderit 0,9%, serta brittle 80% dan less brittle 20%,
sehingga dapat dilakukan hyhraulic fracturing dengan baik. Nilai impedansi
serpih Formasi Baong bagian bawah berkisar antara 20203 ? 24615 ((ft/s)*(g/cc)).

The Lower Baong Formation is responsible for source rock filled up
sandstones reservoir in the oil and gas field in the southeastern part of North
Sumatra Basin. This study reveals the data and facts from the laboratory, drilling,
wireline well logs and seismic through the analysis study of petrophysics,
geochemistry, geomechanics and geophysics of Lower Baong Formation. An
understanding of shale geochemistry, mineralogy and geomechanics is very
important to understand how the shale reservoir has the potential to reserve and
produce when carried out stimulation. Geochemical laboratory analysis is used to
determine the richness, maturity and kerogen type. This study classify shale based
on organic richness, maturity, type, shale strengthness, shale brittleness and clay
content. The Lower Baong Formation being targeted in this study lies at a depth
of 1778-2428 m (TVD), has a rich organic material with TOC ranging from 1.88
to 3.85 wt%, the maturity level of 12% is mature and immature 88%, and generate
20% kerogen type III and 80% kerogen type II / III so it can be used as a source
rock potential to produce gas and gas / oil. Lower Baong Formation rigidity are
very brittle by having the averages 33.7% quartz mineral content and brittle
minerals such as 8.8% calcite, 1.8% dolomite and siderite 0.9%, and brittle 80%
and less brittle 20%, so it can be done hyhraulic fracturing very well. Sahle values
of Lower Baong Formation bottom ranges from 20203-24615 ((ft/s)*(g / cc))., The Lower Baong Formation is responsible for source rock filled up
sandstones reservoir in the oil and gas field in the southeastern part of North
Sumatra Basin. This study reveals the data and facts from the laboratory, drilling,
wireline well logs and seismic through the analysis study of petrophysics,
geochemistry, geomechanics and geophysics of Lower Baong Formation. An
understanding of shale geochemistry, mineralogy and geomechanics is very
important to understand how the shale reservoir has the potential to reserve and
produce when carried out stimulation. Geochemical laboratory analysis is used to
determine the richness, maturity and kerogen type. This study classify shale based
on organic richness, maturity, type, shale strengthness, shale brittleness and clay
content. The Lower Baong Formation being targeted in this study lies at a depth
of 1778-2428 m (TVD), has a rich organic material with TOC ranging from 1.88
to 3.85 wt%, the maturity level of 12% is mature and immature 88%, and generate
20% kerogen type III and 80% kerogen type II / III so it can be used as a source
rock potential to produce gas and gas / oil. Lower Baong Formation rigidity are
very brittle by having the averages 33.7% quartz mineral content and brittle
minerals such as 8.8% calcite, 1.8% dolomite and siderite 0.9%, and brittle 80%
and less brittle 20%, so it can be done hyhraulic fracturing very well. Sahle values
of Lower Baong Formation bottom ranges from 20203-24615 ((ft/s)*(g / cc)).]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T44404
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2015
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : unmediated ; computer
Tipe Carrier : volume ; online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiv, 60 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
No. Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
T44404 15-18-838478000 TERSEDIA
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