Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan angka rujukan peserta selama bulan Januari-Maret 2015. Sampel adalah Puskesmas Cimanggis dengan angka rujukan tinggi dan Puskesmas Cipayung dengan angka rujukan rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa angka rujukan dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan, ketersediaan obat, peralatan penunjang pelayanan kesehatan, pemahaman dokter tentang prosedur rujukan dan peran gatekeeper. Diagnosis penyakit yang banyak dirujuk di kedua puskesmas adalah penyakit jantung. Hal tersebut berhubungan dengan ketersediaan obat dan peralatan penunjang pelayanan kesehatan serta peran gatekeeper. Pasien penyakit jantung memerlukan tindakan promotif preventif serta kontrol rutin setiap bulan untuk pemeriksaan dan menebus obat di RS, sehingga mempengaruhi angka rujukan. Diharapkan BPJS Kesehatan untuk meningkatkan koordinasi dengan pihak Puskesmas dalam mengendalikan pelayanan rujukan.
This qualitative study aimed to analyze the factors associated with the referral of BPJS members during January until March 2015. Samples were Cimanggis and Cipayung health centers representing high and low referral cases respectively. The results showed that the referral numbers were influenced by the policy, availability of drugs, medical equipment, physician perceptionabout the referral procedure as well asthe role of gatekeeper. Heart disease was the diagnosis with the highest referral number in the sampled health centers. Factors were related to the availability of drugs, medical equipment as well as the role of gatekeeper. Patients with heart disease require preventive and promotive actions, regular controls, and monthly check up and drugs in hospitals, this has made increased referral numbers. It is expected that BPJS Kesehatan will improve coordination with the health center to manage the referral system.