[Pertumbuhan industri restoran menengah dan atas di Indonesia, khususnya
Jabodetabek menjadi semakin pesat. Hal ini mendorong terciptanya kebiasaan
makan diluar pada masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya di Jabodetabek. Beragam
pilihan restoran dapat membingungkan konsumen terlebih jika konsumen belum
pernah mencoba restoran tersebut sebelumnya, sehingga menggunakan situs
gastronomi pencarian restoran seperti Zomato Indonesia menjadi alternatif yang
dapat dipilih para konsumen sebelum mencoba restoran tersebut. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa signifikan faktor-faktor yang terdapat pada
Zomato Indonesia dalam mempengaruhi behavioral intention to taste pembacanya
(readers), dimana behavioral intention to taste berpotensi dipengaruhi oleh tujuh
variabel yang digolongkan kedalam tiga kategori variabel utama yaitu (1)
inspiring taste desire (yang terdiri dari variabel: experiencing appeal dan
generating empathy), (2) forming taste awareness (yang terdiri dari variabel:
providing image, delivering knowledge dan presenting guide), dan (3) facilitating
interpersonal interaction (yang terdiri dari variabel: social influence dan
cybercommunity influence). Sampel penelitian merupakan para anggota Zomato
Indonesia. Data diolah dengan menggunakan metode regresi berganda. Hasil
penelitian menunjukan bahwa generating empathy, presenting guide, social
influence dan cybercommunity influence secara positif mempengaruhi behavioral
intention to taste pembaca (readers). Sedangkan experiencing appeal, providing
image, dan delivering knowledge tidak berpengaruh secara positif terhadap
behavioral intention to taste.;"The growth of the middle and upper class restaurant industry in Indonesia,"
"especially Jabodetabek becoming increasingly rapid. This encourages the eating out habits of Indonesian people, particularly in Jabodetabek. A wide selection of restaurants can confuse consumers, especially when consumers have never tried the restaurant before, so using gastronomy website like Zomato Indonesia can be chosen by consumers before trying the restaurant. This study aims to determine how significant all factors of Zomato Indonesia in influencing reader?s behavioral intention to taste, where behavioral intention to taste potentially affected by the seven variables that are classified into three main categories of variables: (1) inspiring taste desire (which consists of: experiencing appeal and generating empathy), (2) forming taste awareness (which consists of: providing image, delivering knowledge and presenting guide), and (3) facilitating interpersonal interaction (which consists of: social influence and cybercommunity influence). The research samples are Zomato Indonesia members. The data is processed by multiple regression method. The result shows that the generating empathy, presenting guide, social influence and cybercommunity influence positively affect reader?s behavioral intention to taste. While experiencing appeal, providing images, and delivering knowledge do not affect positively reader?s behavioral intention to taste., "The growth of the middle and upper class restaurant industry in Indonesia,"
"especially Jabodetabek becoming increasingly rapid. This encourages the eating out habits of Indonesian people, particularly in Jabodetabek. A wide selection of restaurants can confuse consumers, especially when consumers have never tried the restaurant before, so using gastronomy website like Zomato Indonesia can be chosen by consumers before trying the restaurant. This study aims to determine how significant all factors of Zomato Indonesia in influencing reader’s behavioral intention to taste, where behavioral intention to taste potentially affected by the seven variables that are classified into three main categories of variables: (1) inspiring taste desire (which consists of: experiencing appeal and generating empathy), (2) forming taste awareness (which consists of: providing image, delivering knowledge and presenting guide), and (3) facilitating interpersonal interaction (which consists of: social influence and cybercommunity influence). The research samples are Zomato Indonesia members. The data is processed by multiple regression method. The result shows that the generating empathy, presenting guide, social influence and cybercommunity influence positively affect reader’s behavioral intention to taste. While experiencing appeal, providing images, and delivering knowledge do not affect positively reader’s behavioral intention to taste.]