Post 11/9 saw elevated concern of the global community on heightened terrorist threat upon maritime domain. Reactions includes IMO's amendments of SOLAS and the rise of numerous initiatives from all parts of the world. Current threat on world's maritime security is dominated by issues and incidents of piracy and hijacking in Somalia. Many countries have deployed their naval power to the waters of Somalia and the Gulf of Aden as mandated by the UN. Nevertheless these initiatives and actions could not prevent businesses around the world to have private armed security on board their vessels. This phenomenon has sparked reactions both against and supportive. A number of well established maritime mercenary companies provide armed protection services and acknowledged by some countries. Indonesia stands in opposing the presence of such mercenaries, nevertheless after the MV Sinar Kudus incident it has pushed the government to formulate legal product as guidance for its law enforcement agencies at sea to create their SOP and ROE in facing these private security at the sea.