Artikel Jurnal :: Kembali

Artikel Jurnal :: Kembali

Persentase operasi caesaria di Indonesia melebihi standar maksimal, apajah sesuai indikasi medis?

([Publisher not identified] , [Date of publication not identified] )


Caesarean figure in Indonesia has passed a maximum limit WHO has set. An overview of Caesarean mothers show that 64,52% of whom reside in urban areas with 50,25$ received junior high school education and below, and 47,5% are of poor families (quintiles 1 and 2). Approximately 72% of family heads works in informal sector. About 38% of Caesaeran surgery were primiparous, where 75% is done where the mothers are not in the high risk age for normal vaginal deliveries. 80% of mothers also do not have history of fetal death and signs of complications during pregnancy only give result of 15,4%.


Jenis Koleksi : Artikel Jurnal
No. Panggil : BULHSR 15:3 (2012)
Subjek :
ISSN : 14102935
Majalah/Jurnal : Buletin penelitian sistem kesehatan, 15 (4) 2012 : 331-338
Institusi Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lt 4, R. Koleksi Jurnal
No. Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
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