Objective: To determine contribution of socio-demography determinants and functional status associated with the mental health among the Indonesian geriatric population. Methods: The study was composed of 52,223 individuaIs aged 65 years and older from the 2007 Riskesdas (Indonesian National HousehaId Health Survey) conducted by the National Institute of Health Research and Development, and covering the entire Indonesian archipelago. The dependent variable was "psychological well being" defined by mental health question from the Self Report Ouestionnaire (SRO) by score less than 6. The independent variables were: demographic characteristic, and individual functional status. Cox regression model was applied to identify the most determinant variable of "psychological well being" of the geriatric population. Results:
The "psychological well-being" of the geriatric population of lndonesia was associated with status as househaId head (RR = 1.47; 95% CI = 1.4-1.6), have occupation (RR = 1.14: 95% CI = 1.9-1.37) living in extended family (RR = 1.22; 95% CI = 1.18-1.4), with at least one under five kid in house (RR = 1.16; 95% CI = 1.1-1.23) and functioning (RR = 1.12; 95% CI = 1.06-1.33). Living arrangement emerged as significant determinant of "psychological well being." Conclusions: living in extended family provides significant contribution to the sense of" psychological well-being" among the Indonesian geriatric population.