background: The health status of mothers and children in Indonesia is still need special attention of concern because maternal and infact mortality rates are still high. The low public awareness of health services by trained health worker is a factor to consider in addressing there issue. This study aims to determine the trends in the use of maternal health services in Indonesia in 2001-2007. Methods: This analysis used National Socio _economic Survey (NSES) Core 2001, 2004 and 2007. The design of NSES was descriptive cross sectonal cover all providers in Indonesia as the sample. Result: The study shows taht in seven years period (2001-2007), skilled health providers (doctors and midwives) are commonly reported as the source of antenatal care. The result showed bivariate analysis from type of residence (urban/rural) toward the islands, maternal education, maternal age group, ownership of health insurance, and the sociecomic played a role in the selection of delivery attendant. Recommendation: Developing croos sectoral cooperation to improve people's lives as well improved access to healt sevices in rural areas should be very beneficial to the community.