Background : Inrodustion: Jamkesda is pro-poor goverment policy to fulfill their health care right base on mandate of law. Departement of Health in Nganjuk Regency run socialization by involving all call power Hence, in 2012 jamkesda participation would reach hihest in East Java. Purpose: This resaerch aimed to identify Jamkesda participation acceleration and Jamkesda member visit based on age group phenomenon in Ngajuk Regency year 2012. Method: Descriptive reseach with creoss sectional design. Population was Nganjuk Regency government Agency with all Jamkesda managing agencies as simple. Analysis unit was institution. Respondents were officials who managed Jamkesda. result: jamkesda in Nganjuk Regency was integrate to sub Divition of Special Sevice an health costing promary task. In 2012 it showed highest Jamkesda participation in East Java. Socialization Strengthening in form of social support and advocacy and media use To accelerate local health coverage and to erase Poor Notification letter to have medication. Medication visit phenomenon was varied in number in every distrct, the highest was Nganjuk District (11.18%). Women (56.1%) who took medication in PHC was than men (43.99%) particularly those at 15-< 54 years old group. the commonest disease was hypertension. Conclusion: Partcipation acceleration through social support and advocacy stategy is able to abtain local public support both formal and non for its success. Hihest medication visit to PHC was Nganjuk district by mowen with hypertension as commonst disease they complained. Suggestion: Social sopport and advocacy socialization startegy can be implemted in other places with similiar situation and condition.