Penelitian ini mengungkap secara mendalam tentang perubahan fungsi Candi Siwa , makna arca chitra Candi Siwa serta makna Relief Ramayana Prambanan dalam empat periode pengaruh kuasa: Hindu, Islam, Kolonial dan Kemerdekaan. Pengungkapan fungsi serta makna dilakukan dengan metode postprosesual dengan pendekatan kontekstual. Objek material candi, arca dan relief diungkap makna primer serta makna sekunder melalui analisis semiotika Roland Barthes, wacana yang muncul dibalik pemaknaan atas pengaruh kuasa dianalisis melalui analisa wacana/kuasa Michel Foucault. Hasil penelitian: (1) Fungsi Candi Siwa Prambanan: pada masa pengaruh kuasa Hindu, candi sebagai Siwagrha, tempat pemujaan kepada Siwa Mahadewa, tempat masyarakatnya memperoleh berkah kesejahteraan; pada masa pengaruh kuasa Islam, candi sebagai makam, cungkup, tempat angker bangunan karya Bandung Bondowoso; pada masa pengaruh kuasa Kolonial candi sebagai temuan arkeologis, tempat penerapan ilmu arkeologi, objek penelitian dan tempat wisata Jawa; masa Kemerdekaan, candi sebagai monument karya besar Bangsa Indonesia, cagar budaya, benda budaya dunia, destinasi wisata, tempat pertunjukan seni dan tempat ibadah hari raya Nyepi bagi umat Hindu. ( 2) Makna Arca Chitra di Bilik Candi Siwa Prambanan: masa kuasa Hindu, arca sebagai ikonik perwujudan dewa/i serta serta dewa/i pemberi kesejahteraan; masa kuasa Islam, arca merupakan berhala, arca buah karya Bandung Bondowoso; masa kuasa Kolonial, arca merupakan temuan eksotis, benda kenang-kenangan dan objek penelitian; masa kemerdekaan, monumen karya besar bangsa, benda gift, perwujudan ikonik dewa-dewi Hindu. (3) Relief Ramayana Candi Prambanan: masa pengaruh kuasa Hindu, ajaran melakukan dharma; masa pengaruh kuasa Islam, tokoh Rama sebagai keturunan nabi Adam; masa pengaruh kuasa Kolonial, alat diplomasi antar negara, objek penelitian; masa kemerdekaan, mewujud pementasan sendratari Ramayana, sebagai gift, kitab ajaran agama Hindu. Implikasi Penelitian: Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan arkeologi pemikiran dibalik masing-masing pengaruh wacana/ kuasa. Pemahaman manusia terhadap arkeologi pemikiran membuat manusia bercakrawala luas dalam menanggapi objek yang sama dengan paradigma yang berbeda. Objek, kebudayaan material berupa candi, arca dan relief merupakan wadah mitos yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku dalam kehidupan sosialkemasyarakatan manusia.
The research reveals deeply about changing the function of Shiva temple, statues chitra meaning and significance of Shiva temple Prambanan Ramayana Relief in four periods of the influence of power: Hindu, Islamic, colonial and independence. Disclosure functions and meanings carried by the method of post-processual with contextual approach. Material object temples, statues and reliefs revealed primary meaning and secondary meaning through semiotic analysis Roland Barthes, discourse that appears behind the meaning of the influence of power is analyzed through discourse analysis Michel Foucaul). Results of the study: (1) Function Prambanan Shiva Temple: During the influence of Hindu power, as Siwagrha temple, shrine to Shiva Mahadeva, where people obtain a blessing welfare; during the influence of Islamic power, the temple as a tomb, cupola, haunted places, building work of Bondowoso; during the colonial power of the influence of the temple as archaeological finds, where the application of the science of archeology, research objects and sights Java; Independence period, the temple as a major work of the Indonesian Nation monument, heritage, world cultural objects, tourist destination, performing arts venues and places of worship Nyepi day for Hindus. (2) The meaning Arca Chitra Room Shiva temple Prambanan: the power of the Hindu, statues as iconic embodiment of the gods and deities giver and welfare; period of Islamic power, the statues are idols, statues the work of Bondowoso; period colonial power, the statue of the exotic findings, keepsake objects and objects of research; independence, the monument's major work, gift items, iconic embodiment of Hindu deities. (3) Relief Ramayana Prambanan: the influence of Hindu power, do dharma teachings; term influence of Islamic power, Rama figures as descendants of the prophet Adam; Colonial influence future power, diplomacy tool between countries, the object of study; independence, embodied Ramayana ballet performances, as a gift, the book of Hindu religion. Research Implications: In this study, archeology rationale behind each influence discourse / power. Human understanding of the rationale behind the archaeological material culture make people wider in mind so they are able to empathy and tolerance in response to the same object with different paradigms, to realizing the sense of Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Object, material culture in the form of temples, statues and reliefs is a container of stories, myths, which in turn can influence human action.