ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk pertama, menyusun tipologi petani berdasarkan konsistensi antara sikap dan tingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan; kedua, menganalisis konsistensi antara sikap dan tingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan pada petani; ketiga, menganalisis peran perspektif waktu masa depan, aksesibilitas sumberdaya dan sosio-demografis, yaitu usia, pendidikan non formal, pendapatan usahatani dan luas lahan pertanian, sebagai moderator dalam meningkatkan konsistensi antara sikap dan tingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan; dan keempat, menganalisis peran identitas sosial sebagai mediator yang meningkatkan konsistensi antara sikap dan tingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan. Untuk memenuhi tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode survai dengan alat pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner pada 160 petani padi sawah di Desa Mangunsari, Kecamatan Sawangan, Kabupaten Magelang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang rendah, tetapi positif antara sikap dan tingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan konsistensi antara sikap dan tingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan, petani dapat digolongkan dalam empat tipe. Yaitu, a) Petani Konsisten Positif, petani yang bersikap dan bertingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan secara positif; b) Petani Inkosisten Negatif, petani yang bersikap positif, tetapi bertingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan secara negatif; c) Petani Inkonsisten Positif, petani yang bersikap negatif, tetapi bertingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan secara positif; dan d) Petani Konsisten Negatif, petani yang bersikap dan bertingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan secara negatif. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa: 1) perspektif waktu masa depan, aksesibilitas sumberdaya, pendidikan non formal dan luas lahan pertanian berperan sebagai moderator yang meningkatkan konsistensi antara sikap dan tingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan, dan 2) identitas sosial berperan sebagai mediator yang meningkatkan konsistensi antara sikap dan tingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan. Selain itu, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa identitas sosial yang didukung oleh perspektif waktu masa depan dan aksesibilitas sumberdaya, berperan sebagai mediator dalam meningkatkan konsistensi antara sikap dan tingkahlaku bertani berkelanjutan.;
ABSTRACTThe objective of this study is: 1) to compile farmers’ typology based on their attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior, 2), to analyze farmers’ attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior, 3) to analyze the role of future time perspective, resources accessibility and socio-demographic factors, such as age, non formal education, farm income and land scale, as moderators on attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior, and 4) to analyze the role of social identity as mediator on attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior. A survey methodology was conducted to achieve these objectives by collecting data using questionnaire. About 160 farmers in Magelang Regency responded to a package of questionnaire investigating socio-demografic variables, sustainable agricultural attitude and behavior, future time perspective, resources accessibility and social identity. Results indicated low, but positive correlation between attitude and sustainable agricultural behavior. Based on the attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior, farmers can be classified into four types. That is, a) Positive Consistent Farmers (positive attitude and behavior); b) Negative Inconsistent Farmers (positive attitude, but negative behavior); c) Positive Inconsistent Farmers (negative attitude, but positive behavior); and d) Negative Consistent Farmers (negative attitude and behavior). Results also revealed that future time perspective, resources accessibility, non formal education and land scale have a moderation effect on attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavor. Also, social identity has a mediation effect on attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavor. It was also revealed that moderat-ed mediation approach can strengthen attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior., The objective of this study is: 1) to compile farmers’ typology based on their attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior, 2), to analyze farmers’ attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior, 3) to analyze the role of future time perspective, resources accessibility and socio-demographic factors, such as age, non formal education, farm income and land scale, as moderators on attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior, and 4) to analyze the role of social identity as mediator on attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior. A survey methodology was conducted to achieve these objectives by collecting data using questionnaire. About 160 farmers in Magelang Regency responded to a package of questionnaire investigating socio-demografic variables, sustainable agricultural attitude and behavior, future time perspective, resources accessibility and social identity. Results indicated low, but positive correlation between attitude and sustainable agricultural behavior. Based on the attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior, farmers can be classified into four types. That is, a) Positive Consistent Farmers (positive attitude and behavior); b) Negative Inconsistent Farmers (positive attitude, but negative behavior); c) Positive Inconsistent Farmers (negative attitude, but positive behavior); and d) Negative Consistent Farmers (negative attitude and behavior). Results also revealed that future time perspective, resources accessibility, non formal education and land scale have a moderation effect on attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavor. Also, social identity has a mediation effect on attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavor. It was also revealed that moderat-ed mediation approach can strengthen attitude-behavior consistency in sustainable agricultural behavior.]