ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang pemenuhan kebutuhan dan hak waria lanjut usia. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus di Rumah Singgah Waria Anak Raja Jakarta. Fokus penelitian ini adalah deskripsi tentang pemenuhan kebutuhan dan hak waria lanjut usia. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan mengunakan wawancara mendalam bagi informan pemerintah dan Focus group discussion waria lanjut usia untuk mendapatkan informasi bagi waria lanjut usianya, Hasil dari penelitian ini didapat data bahwa pemenuhan kebutuhan dan hak waria lanjut usia belum sesuai dengan amanat undang- undang baik undang-undang lanjut usia, hak asasi manusia dan kesejahteraan sosial, pemenuhan tersebut masih belum merata dan masih terbatas.;
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses about the fulfillment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender. This research is a case study at Shelter Home Anak Raja Jakarta. The focus of this study is a description about the fulfilment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender,. This is a qualitative research method using in-depth interview for government informant and focus group discussions to get further information from the elderly transgender. The results from this study is that the fulfillment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender has not been in accordance with the mandate of the law both laws for the elderly human rights and social welfare. The fulfillment is still uneven and limited.;This thesis discusses about the fulfillment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender. This research is a case study at Shelter Home Anak Raja Jakarta. The focus of this study is a description about the fulfilment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender,. This is a qualitative research method using in-depth interview for government informant and focus group discussions to get further information from the elderly transgender. The results from this study is that the fulfillment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender has not been in accordance with the mandate of the law both laws for the elderly human rights and social welfare. The fulfillment is still uneven and limited.;This thesis discusses about the fulfillment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender. This research is a case study at Shelter Home Anak Raja Jakarta. The focus of this study is a description about the fulfilment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender,. This is a qualitative research method using in-depth interview for government informant and focus group discussions to get further information from the elderly transgender. The results from this study is that the fulfillment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender has not been in accordance with the mandate of the law both laws for the elderly human rights and social welfare. The fulfillment is still uneven and limited.;This thesis discusses about the fulfillment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender. This research is a case study at Shelter Home Anak Raja Jakarta. The focus of this study is a description about the fulfilment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender,. This is a qualitative research method using in-depth interview for government informant and focus group discussions to get further information from the elderly transgender. The results from this study is that the fulfillment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender has not been in accordance with the mandate of the law both laws for the elderly human rights and social welfare. The fulfillment is still uneven and limited., This thesis discusses about the fulfillment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender. This research is a case study at Shelter Home Anak Raja Jakarta. The focus of this study is a description about the fulfilment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender,. This is a qualitative research method using in-depth interview for government informant and focus group discussions to get further information from the elderly transgender. The results from this study is that the fulfillment of the needs and rights of elderly transgender has not been in accordance with the mandate of the law both laws for the elderly human rights and social welfare. The fulfillment is still uneven and limited.]