ABSTRAKPenggunaan energi alternatif untuk saat ini merupakan hal yang sangat
penting, dikarenakan makin menipisnya ketersediaan energi di alam. Energi alternatif
ini berasal dari potensial-potensial alam yang lain, yang dapat diperbaharui, dapat
dihasilkan dalam waktu yang singkat, atau juga berasal dari akibat adanya
penggunaan potensi alam yang lain sehingga menimbulkan potensi energi yang tidak
kita sadari kehadirannya disekitar kita adalah gelombang frekuensi radio atau yang
biasa dikenal dengan gelombang RF.
Pada Tesis ini dibuat rectifier antenna dengan menggunakan antena
mikrostrip patch lingkaran yang dapat digunakan untuk memanen energi RF pada
frekuensi resonan 2,445 GHz dan mengkonversikannya menjadi energi DC, yang
dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan energi alternatif dari sumber daya yang belum
Dari hasil simulasi, parameter antena hasil perancangan diperoleh VSWR dan
return loss paling bagus sebesar 1,1664 dan -22,292 dB pada frekuensi 2,445 GHz,
bandwidth sebesar 85 MHz, gain 6,882 dB, dan pola radiasi directional. Kemudian,
dengan diberikan nilai Pin = 20 dBm, RL = 2 KΩ, dan jarak 100 cm rectenna mampu
menghasilkan nilai Vout = 3,3 Volt dengan nilai efisiensi maksimal sebesar 82%.
Dari hasil pengukuran, parameter antena hasil perancangan diperoleh VSWR
dan return loss paling bagus sebesar 1,12 dan -25,08 dB pada frekuensi resonan
2,445 GHz, bandwidth sebesar 72 MHz, dan gain 7,4 dB, dan pola radiasi
directional. Kemudian, dengan diberikan nilai Pin = 20 dBm, RL = 2 KΩ, dan jarak
100 cm rectenna mampu menghasilkan nilai Vout = 0,967 Volt dengan nilai efisiensi
maksimal sebesar 24%
ABSTRACTAlternative energy becomes a very important issue due to the decrease energy
availability in the nature. For example, one potential energy that we didn?t realize its
presence around us is the Radio Frequency waves or commontly known as RF
waves. There is an effort to harvest the RF energy using rectenna technology.
In this tesis a rectifier antenna using circular microstrip patch antenna that
can be used to harvest RF energy at frequency 2.445 GHz is designed to convert the
RF into DC energy. This design can be used to produce alternative energy from
resources that have not been utilized.
From the simulation results, the results of the antenna parameters VSWR and
return loss is 1.1664 and -22.292 dB respectively at frequency 2.445 GHz, has a
bandwidth of 85 MHz, gain .,882 dB, and radiation pattern is directional. In addition,
with Pin = 20 dBm, RL = 2 KΩ, and distance 100 cm the rectenna is able to give a
value of Vout = 3.3 Volts with maximum efficiency is 82%.
From the measurement results, the results of the antenna parameters VSWR
and return loss is 1.12 and -25.08 dB respectively at frequency 2.445 GHz, has a
bandwidth of 72 MHz, gain 7.4 dB, and radiation pattern is directional. In addition,
with Pin = 20 dBm, RL = 2 KΩ, and distance 100 cm the rectenna is able to give a
value of Vout = 0.967 Volts with maximum efficiency is 24%.;Alternative energy becomes a very important issue due to the decrease energy
availability in the nature. For example, one potential energy that we didn?t realize its
presence around us is the Radio Frequency waves or commontly known as RF
waves. There is an effort to harvest the RF energy using rectenna technology.
In this tesis a rectifier antenna using circular microstrip patch antenna that
can be used to harvest RF energy at frequency 2.445 GHz is designed to convert the
RF into DC energy. This design can be used to produce alternative energy from
resources that have not been utilized.
From the simulation results, the results of the antenna parameters VSWR and
return loss is 1.1664 and -22.292 dB respectively at frequency 2.445 GHz, has a
bandwidth of 85 MHz, gain .,882 dB, and radiation pattern is directional. In addition,
with Pin = 20 dBm, RL = 2 KΩ, and distance 100 cm the rectenna is able to give a
value of Vout = 3.3 Volts with maximum efficiency is 82%.
From the measurement results, the results of the antenna parameters VSWR
and return loss is 1.12 and -25.08 dB respectively at frequency 2.445 GHz, has a
bandwidth of 72 MHz, gain 7.4 dB, and radiation pattern is directional. In addition,
with Pin = 20 dBm, RL = 2 KΩ, and distance 100 cm the rectenna is able to give a
value of Vout = 0.967 Volts with maximum efficiency is 24%.;Alternative energy becomes a very important issue due to the decrease energy
availability in the nature. For example, one potential energy that we didn?t realize its
presence around us is the Radio Frequency waves or commontly known as RF
waves. There is an effort to harvest the RF energy using rectenna technology.
In this tesis a rectifier antenna using circular microstrip patch antenna that
can be used to harvest RF energy at frequency 2.445 GHz is designed to convert the
RF into DC energy. This design can be used to produce alternative energy from
resources that have not been utilized.
From the simulation results, the results of the antenna parameters VSWR and
return loss is 1.1664 and -22.292 dB respectively at frequency 2.445 GHz, has a
bandwidth of 85 MHz, gain .,882 dB, and radiation pattern is directional. In addition,
with Pin = 20 dBm, RL = 2 KΩ, and distance 100 cm the rectenna is able to give a
value of Vout = 3.3 Volts with maximum efficiency is 82%.
From the measurement results, the results of the antenna parameters VSWR
and return loss is 1.12 and -25.08 dB respectively at frequency 2.445 GHz, has a
bandwidth of 72 MHz, gain 7.4 dB, and radiation pattern is directional. In addition,
with Pin = 20 dBm, RL = 2 KΩ, and distance 100 cm the rectenna is able to give a
value of Vout = 0.967 Volts with maximum efficiency is 24%., Alternative energy becomes a very important issue due to the decrease energy
availability in the nature. For example, one potential energy that we didn’t realize its
presence around us is the Radio Frequency waves or commontly known as RF
waves. There is an effort to harvest the RF energy using rectenna technology.
In this tesis a rectifier antenna using circular microstrip patch antenna that
can be used to harvest RF energy at frequency 2.445 GHz is designed to convert the
RF into DC energy. This design can be used to produce alternative energy from
resources that have not been utilized.
From the simulation results, the results of the antenna parameters VSWR and
return loss is 1.1664 and -22.292 dB respectively at frequency 2.445 GHz, has a
bandwidth of 85 MHz, gain .,882 dB, and radiation pattern is directional. In addition,
with Pin = 20 dBm, RL = 2 KΩ, and distance 100 cm the rectenna is able to give a
value of Vout = 3.3 Volts with maximum efficiency is 82%.
From the measurement results, the results of the antenna parameters VSWR
and return loss is 1.12 and -25.08 dB respectively at frequency 2.445 GHz, has a
bandwidth of 72 MHz, gain 7.4 dB, and radiation pattern is directional. In addition,
with Pin = 20 dBm, RL = 2 KΩ, and distance 100 cm the rectenna is able to give a
value of Vout = 0.967 Volts with maximum efficiency is 24%.]