ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Prakiraan usia untuk usia remaja dan dewasa muda penting dalam konteks hukum dan medikolegal. Pada periode usia ini hanya gigi molar tiga yang masih mengalami proses perkembangan.
Tujuan: mengetahui korelasi antara usia kronologis dengan perkembangan gigi molar tiga pada orang Indonesia menggunakan aplikasi metode Demirjian.
Metode: Jumlah sampel terdiri dari 407 radiograf panoramik orang Indonesia yang telah diketahui usia kronologis (8-25 tahun). Analisis atatistik menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson. Analisis regresi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan rumus regresi untuk perhitungan prakiraan usia.
Hasil: Hasil uji korelasi Pearson, korelasi antara masing-masing gigi molar tiga dengan usia sangat kuat (> 0,75) dan (P<0,05). Didapatkan hubungan regresi model penjumlahan empat gigi molar tiga, tiga gigi molar tiga, dua gigi molar tiga dan satu gigi molar tiga.
Kesimpulan terdapat korelasi yang sangat kuat antara usia kronologis dengan perkembangan gigi molar tiga pada orang Indonesia.
Background: Age estimation to adolescence and young adults is important in the context of law and medicolegal. At this age period only third molars are still a process of development.Objective: To know the correlation between chronological age with the development of the third molars in Indonesia using Application method of Demirjian.Material and Methods: The sample consisted of 407 panoramic radiographs Indonesian people who have known chronological age (8-25 years). Statistical analysis using Pearson correlation test. Regression analysis was performed to obtain the regression formula for the calculation of the age estimation.Results: The results of the Pearson correlation test, the correlation between each of the third molars with a very strong age (> 0.75) and (P <0.05). Regression models obtained relationship summation four third molars, three molars three, two and one third molars third molars.Conclusion: there is a very strong correlation between chronological age with the development of third molars on the Indonesian people.