ABSTRAKPT. Mitra Safir Sejahtera dalam memasarkan rumah susun kemanggisan residence
menggunakan pre project selling system. Pemasaran rumah susun dilakukan saat
lokasi pembangunan masih berupa tanah kosong dengan menandatangani perjanjian
pengikatan jual beli. Dalam penelitian ini, permasalahan muncul akibat dari
pelaksanaan sistem tersebut dimana pengembang tidak menyelesaikan pembangunan
rumah susun sebagaimana diperjanjikan dalam perjanjian pengikatan jual beli.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen yang
membeli rumah susun dari pengembang yang menggunakan sistem ini. Oleh karena
itu, bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan tipe penelitian
preskriptif, dan jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang dianalisis secara
kualitatif sehingga menghasilkan laporan yang bersifat preskriptif analitis. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembang tidak memenuhi persyaratan
administratif yang diwajibkan dalam pemasaran rumah susun, dan perjanjian
pengikatan jual beli yang bertujuan untuk melindungi konsumen ternyata tidak dapat
memberikan perlindungan hukum yang cukup bagi konsumen.
ABSTRACTPT. Mitra Sejahtera Safir has been marketed kemanggisan residence with pre project
selling system. Marketing flats performed when the construction site is still a vacant
with signing the Preliminary Sale of Property Agreement. In this research, problems
arise as result of the system in which developers do not finish construction. This
study aims to determine the legal protection for consumers who buy flats from
developers who use this system. Therefore, the shape of the research is normative
juridical prescriptive research type, and the type of data used are secondary data were
analyzed qualitatively to produce analytical reports prescriptive. The results showed
that the developer does not fulfill the administrative requirements in marketing flats,
and Preliminary Sale of Property Agreement that aims to protect the consumer was
not able to provide adequate legal protection for consumers.;PT. Mitra Sejahtera Safir has been marketed kemanggisan residence with pre project
selling system. Marketing flats performed when the construction site is still a vacant
with signing the Preliminary Sale of Property Agreement. In this research, problems
arise as result of the system in which developers do not finish construction. This
study aims to determine the legal protection for consumers who buy flats from
developers who use this system. Therefore, the shape of the research is normative
juridical prescriptive research type, and the type of data used are secondary data were
analyzed qualitatively to produce analytical reports prescriptive. The results showed
that the developer does not fulfill the administrative requirements in marketing flats,
and Preliminary Sale of Property Agreement that aims to protect the consumer was
not able to provide adequate legal protection for consumers.;PT. Mitra Sejahtera Safir has been marketed kemanggisan residence with pre project
selling system. Marketing flats performed when the construction site is still a vacant
with signing the Preliminary Sale of Property Agreement. In this research, problems
arise as result of the system in which developers do not finish construction. This
study aims to determine the legal protection for consumers who buy flats from
developers who use this system. Therefore, the shape of the research is normative
juridical prescriptive research type, and the type of data used are secondary data were
analyzed qualitatively to produce analytical reports prescriptive. The results showed
that the developer does not fulfill the administrative requirements in marketing flats,
and Preliminary Sale of Property Agreement that aims to protect the consumer was
not able to provide adequate legal protection for consumers., PT. Mitra Sejahtera Safir has been marketed kemanggisan residence with pre project
selling system. Marketing flats performed when the construction site is still a vacant
with signing the Preliminary Sale of Property Agreement. In this research, problems
arise as result of the system in which developers do not finish construction. This
study aims to determine the legal protection for consumers who buy flats from
developers who use this system. Therefore, the shape of the research is normative
juridical prescriptive research type, and the type of data used are secondary data were
analyzed qualitatively to produce analytical reports prescriptive. The results showed
that the developer does not fulfill the administrative requirements in marketing flats,
and Preliminary Sale of Property Agreement that aims to protect the consumer was
not able to provide adequate legal protection for consumers.]