[Skripsi ini berusaha meneliti sosialisasi keselamatan berkendara yang berlangsung di dalam kegiatan kopdar yang dilakukan oleh perkumpulan pemotor. Terdapat tiga perkumpulan pemotor yang dilibatkan (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, dan D’Broter Motorcycle). Masing-masing perkumpulan memiliki pemaknaan yang berbeda tentang keselamatan berkendara. Hal itu membuat nilainilai
keselamatan berkendara yang disosialisasikan menjadi beragam. Proses
sosialisasi keselamatan berkendara berlangsung melalui interaksi yang saling dilakukan oleh para anggota perkumpulan pemotor. Sosialisasi keselamatan berkendara dapat berfungsi sebagai kontrol untuk anggota-anggota yang menjadikan perkumpulan pemotor sebagai sarana aktualisasi diri.;This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.;This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.;This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.;This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization., This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.]