Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesifikasi sebuah produk software layanan data finansial berdasarkan permintaan pasar (calon pengguna) di Indonesia. Teori yang digunakan adalah beberapa elemen spesifikasi didalam software requirement specification yaitu platform, software system atribute, user interface dan product function serta penambahan mobility sebagai acuan untuk mengumpulkan data. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah mixed method melalui wawancara dan survei serta analisis deskriptif dan analisis kualitatif sebagai alat analisis data.
Hasil dari kedua analisis tersebut menjadi rekomendasi spesifikasi software informasi dan analisis data finansial terkait product function, user Interface, platform dan software system attribute. Dalam penelitian ini, didapatkan hasil 18 product function, 4 user interface, platform Android serta software system attributes dengan high availability. Rekomendasi tersebut ditujukan agar pengembangan software lebih terarah sesuai permintaan pasar guna membantu menyelesaikan masalah turunnya jumlah pelanggan.
The purpose of this research is to know the market demand (future user) on software specification from an application service provider in Indonesia engaged in financial data services. Theory on mobility and several software requirement specification elements such as platform, software system attribute, product function, serve as a foundation to gather the data. Descriptive and qualitative analisys used as a tools and analyze the data which has been gathered using Interview and survey. The results of both analysis stand as a capital market information and analysis software specification recommendations containing product function, platform, and software attributes. This research found 18 product function, 4 user interface, Android platform with high availability software system attributes.With a specification that meet the market demand, software development should be more focused on meeting the demand and can solve company’s high customer loss.