Kegiatan residensi keperawatan medikal bedah peminatan kardiovaskular dilaksanakan selama dua semester berupa pengelolaan asuhan keperawatan pasien gangguan kardiovaskular secara holistik dan komprehensif dengan penerapan model Konservasi Myra Estrin Levine pada satu pasien kelolaan utama dan 30 pasien kelolaan lainnya. Tujuan dan hasil asuhan keperawatan pasien gangguan kardiovaskular adalah mengupayakan adaptasi untuk mencapai keutuhan (wholeness) dengan memfasilitasi konservasi energi, konservasi intgritas struktur, konsevasi integritas personal, dan konservasi integritas sosial. Praktik keperawatan terbaik berbasis bukti (evidence-based nursing practice) memberikan posisi lateral 30o setelah dua jam pasca bedah di ICU bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ambulasi dini dan dihasilkan kestabilan hemodinamik. Peran perawat spesialis sebagai inovator dalam pelayanan keperawatan dengan mengoptimalkan asuhan keperawatan berbasis spiritual di unit perawatan intensif jantung dengan memfasilitasi penyediaan format pengkajian, format diagnosa keperawatan, dan format rencana intervensi spiritual. Inovasi optimalisasi asuhan spiritual mendapat respon, dukungan, dan apresiasi yang tinggi oleh para perawat di unit terkait dan ditingkat manajemen pelayanan keperawatan rumah sakit.
Medical surgical nursing residency activities in cardiovascular specialization was did in two semesters by managing the nursing care of patients with cardiovascular disorders holistically and comprehensively using the application of Myra Estrin Levine Conservation Model in one major case and other 30 cases. The purpose and outcomes of cardiovascular disorders nursing care is adaptation to achieve integrity (wholeness) to facilitate the conservation of energy, conservation of structure integrity, conservation of personal integrity, and conservation of social integrity. The best evidence-based nursing practice giving the lateral position two hours post-surgery in the ICU aimed to meet the needs of early ambulation and resulting hemodynamic stability. The role of specialist nurses as an innovator in nursing services optimizing the spiritual-based nursing care in cardiac intensive care unit by facilitating the creating of assessment form, nursing diagnosis form, and spiritual intervention plan form. Innovation in spiritual care optimization got responses, supports, and good appreciations from the nurses in the related unit and hospital nursing care management level.