Anak dengan penyakit kronik sering mengalami gangguan rasa nyaman akibat perjalanan penyakit, pemeriksaan diagnostik dan proses pengobatan, sehingga membutuhkan asuhan keperawatan yang tepat. Karya Ilmiah Akhir ini disusun dengan tujuan untuk menggambarkan aplikasi Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms (TOUS) pada anak dengan penyakit kronik yang mengalami gangguan rasa nyaman serta menganalisis keefektifannya. TOUS memiliki tiga komponen yaitu gejala, faktor yang mempengaruhi dan performance akhir klien. Ketiganya dapat saling mempengaruhi dan dapat diintegrasikan dalam asuhan keperawatan anak. TOUS dapat diaplikasikan pada asuhan keperawatan anak penyakit kronik dengan gangguan rasa nyaman karena melalui manajemen gejala berbasis TOUS, kebutuhan rasa nyaman anak akan terpenuhi meski gejala tak menyenangkan masih muncul. Aplikasi TOUS pada asuhan keperawatan anak hendaknya memperhatikan aspek tumbuh kembang dan aspek psikologis anak. Saat mengaplikasikan konsep TOUS, Ners spesialis telah dapat melakukan berbagai peran diantaranya sebagai praktisi, edukator, kolaborator, peneliti serta advokat bagi klien dan keluarga.
Chronically ill children often experience uncomfortable issue due to the disease pathophysiology, the diagnostic examination and medication process, so the child needs proper nursing care. This Scientific Final Assignment was arranged to describe the application of Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms (TOUS) to chronically ill children who have uncomfortable issues and also to analyze its effectiveness. TOUS has three main components which are symptoms, influencing factors and performance outcomes. Those three components influence each other and can be integrated in pediatric nursing process. TOUS can be applied in chronically ill children nursing process especially child with uncomfortable issue because through symptoms management based on TOUS, the comfort need of children can be fulfilled even the unpleasant symptoms still occur. The application of TOUS should pay attention to growth and development aspects of the children and also to the psychological aspect. When the specialist pediatric nurse applied TOUS concept, the nurse has done many role such as nurse practitioner, educator, collaborator, researcher and advocate for client and the family.