ABSTRAKDisertasi ini membahas sejauh mana kemampuan manajerial dinamis
(dynamic managerial capabilities) menentukan corporate entrepreneurship dan
kemudian kinerja perusahaan. Seratus tiga puluh sembilan pimpinan perusahaan
dan pimpinan redaksi pada kelompok Jawa Pos Group, grup perusahaan penerbit
surat kabar local terbesar di Indonesia, berpartisipasi pada penelitian ini.
Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka kerja kemampuan dinamis (dynamic
capabilities) yang bersifat integrative dan memperluas kerangka kerja dynamic
managerial capabilities yang dikembangkan oleh Adner dan Helfat (2003), serta
mengakomodasi konsep manajemen sumber daya manusia (Sirmon dan Hitt,
2009; Simsek dan Heavey, 2011). Penelitian ini mengemukakan temuan bahwa
elemen dynamic managerial capabilities (managerial human capital diukur
dengan menggunakan praktek manajemen talent; dan managerial cognition diukur
dengan menggunakan persepsi manajer terhadap lingkungan) mempunyai
pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap corporate entrepreneurship, dan
kemudian hal tersebut mempengauhi secara positif dan signifikan kinerja
Persepsi manajer terhadap lingkungan yang akurat memperlihakan faktor
yang paling dominan untuk implementasi aktifitas antrepreneurial pada konteks
industri surat kabar. Selain itu, penerapan praktek manajemen talent yang efektif
menentukan tingkat aktifitas entrepreneurial didalam perusahaan. Elemen
dynamic managerial capabilities lainya yaitu managerial social capital
menunjukkan pengaruh positif, namun tidak signifikan, terhadap aktifitas
entreprenruial. Hal ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa social capital adalah penting untuk
aktifitas entrepreneurial didalam organisasi surat kabar, namun diperlukan
beberapa faktor penentu, seperti kualitas hubungan (dimensi relational dan
dimensi kognitif) dan jenis hubungan. Keterbatasan penelitian ini juga
teridentifikasi sebagai peluang dalam pengembangan penelitian dimasa depan
ABSTRAKThis dissertation discusses the extent to which dynamic managerial
capabilities determines corporate entrepreneurship and eventually firm’s
performance. One hundred and thirty-nine CEOs and editor-in-chiefs of Jawa Pos
Group, the biggest Indonesia local newspaper publishers group, participated in the
study. The study demonstrates the integrative dynamic capabilities framework and
shows the extension framework of Adner and Helfat’s (2003) dynamic managerial
capabilities, accommodating human resources management concept (Sirmon and
Hitt, 2009; Simsek and Heavey, 2011). This study finds that elements of dynamic
managerial capabilities (managerial human capital as measured by talent
management practices and managerial cognition as measured by managers’
perception on task environment) positively and significantly affect corporate
entrepreneurship, and corporate entrepreneurship in turn positively and
significantly affects firm’s performance. Accurate managerial perception on task
environment proved to be the most dominant factor for the implementation of
entrepreneurial activities in the context of the newspaper industry. Moreover,
implementation of effective talent management practices determines level of
entrepreneurial activities within a firm. Other element of dynamic managerial
capabilities, managerial social capital shows positively but does not significantly
affects entrepreneurial activities. The evidence confirmed that managerial social
capital is necessary for the entrepreneurial activities in newspaper organization;
however, some contingencies factors exist in such relationship, such as quality of
relationship (relational and cognitive dimension) and type of the relationship.
Limitations of the study are also identified to warrant further research, This dissertation discusses the extent to which dynamic managerial
capabilities determines corporate entrepreneurship and eventually firm’s
performance. One hundred and thirty-nine CEOs and editor-in-chiefs of Jawa Pos
Group, the biggest Indonesia local newspaper publishers group, participated in the
study. The study demonstrates the integrative dynamic capabilities framework and
shows the extension framework of Adner and Helfat’s (2003) dynamic managerial
capabilities, accommodating human resources management concept (Sirmon and
Hitt, 2009; Simsek and Heavey, 2011). This study finds that elements of dynamic
managerial capabilities (managerial human capital as measured by talent
management practices and managerial cognition as measured by managers’
perception on task environment) positively and significantly affect corporate
entrepreneurship, and corporate entrepreneurship in turn positively and
significantly affects firm’s performance. Accurate managerial perception on task
environment proved to be the most dominant factor for the implementation of
entrepreneurial activities in the context of the newspaper industry. Moreover,
implementation of effective talent management practices determines level of
entrepreneurial activities within a firm. Other element of dynamic managerial
capabilities, managerial social capital shows positively but does not significantly
affects entrepreneurial activities. The evidence confirmed that managerial social
capital is necessary for the entrepreneurial activities in newspaper organization;
however, some contingencies factors exist in such relationship, such as quality of
relationship (relational and cognitive dimension) and type of the relationship.
Limitations of the study are also identified to warrant further research]