ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang relasi komplementer kedua dimensi. Dalam pemikiran Arendt, terdapat dimensi
universal hak asasi manusia antara lain pembelaan kepada martabat manusia, kondisi manusia, aksi, initium dan
kebebasan. Sementara dimensi partikular nyata melalui penekanan terhadap adanya komunitas politik tertentu
sebagai penjamin terlaksananya hak asasi universal. Gagasan inti Arendt adalah hak untuk mempunyai hak-hak. Hak untuk berada dalam komunitas politik tertentu yang menjamin terlaksananya hak-hak asasi universal.
ABSTRACTThe focus of this study is on the complementary relationship between two dimensions. In the thought of Arendt,
there is a universal dimension of human rights such as human dignity, human condition, action, initium, and
freedom. Particular dimension in the thought of Arendt such as the emphasizing on the political community as
the guarantee of the application of the universal human rights. Core idea of Arendt is a right to have rights. A right to join a political community is the way to run the universal human rights.;The focus of this study is on the complementary relationship between two dimensions. In the thought of Arendt,
there is a universal dimension of human rights such as human dignity, human condition, action, initium, and
freedom. Particular dimension in the thought of Arendt such as the emphasizing on the political community as
the guarantee of the application of the universal human rights. Core idea of Arendt is a right to have rights. A right to join a political community is the way to run the universal human rights.;The focus of this study is on the complementary relationship between two dimensions. In the thought of Arendt,
there is a universal dimension of human rights such as human dignity, human condition, action, initium, and
freedom. Particular dimension in the thought of Arendt such as the emphasizing on the political community as
the guarantee of the application of the universal human rights. Core idea of Arendt is a right to have rights. A right to join a political community is the way to run the universal human rights., The focus of this study is on the complementary relationship between two dimensions. In the thought of Arendt,
there is a universal dimension of human rights such as human dignity, human condition, action, initium, and
freedom. Particular dimension in the thought of Arendt such as the emphasizing on the political community as
the guarantee of the application of the universal human rights. Core idea of Arendt is a right to have rights. A right to join a political community is the way to run the universal human rights.]