Trikuriasis merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di daerah tropis. Di Jakarta prevalensi trikuriasis tergolong tinggi dengan prevalensi tertinggi di Jakarta Timur (41,7%). Di Jakarta Timur, terdapat pesantren dengan kepadatan santri yang tinggi dan fasilitas sanitasi terbatas sehingga diperlukan penyuluhan agar terhindar trikuriasis. Agar diterima dengan baik, penyuluhan harus diberikan sesuai pengetahuan yang dimiliki dan karakteristik santri. Karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan santri mengenai T. trichiura dan hubungannya dengan karakteristik santri. Penelitian dilakukan di Pesantren X, Jakarta Timur dengan desain cross-sectional. Data diambil tanggal 22 Januari 2011 dengan memberikan kuesioner berisi pertanyaan mengenai T. trichiura kepada semua santri. Data diolah dengan program SPSS versi 16 dan dianalisis dengan uji chi square dan Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Hasilnya menunjukkan santri yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik 9 orang (5,8%), cukup 28 orang (18,2%), dan pengetahuan rendah 117 orang (76%). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan pendidikan dan sumber informasi paling berkesan (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, p>0,05), jumlah informasi (chi square, p=0,183), namun terdapat perbedaan bermakna (chi square, p<0,05) antara tingkat pengetahuan mengenai T. trichiura dengan jenis kelamin. Disimpulkan tingkat pengetahuan mengenai T. trichiura tidak berhubungan dengan tingkat pendidikan, jumlah informasi dan sumber informasi paling berkesan tetapi berhubungan dengan jenis kelamin.
Trichuriasis has become a public health problem in the tropics. In Jakarta, trichuriasis prevalence is high with the highest prevalence in East Jakarta (41.7%). In East Jakarta, there are boarding schools with students who are highly populated with limited sanitation facilities so that it is necessary to give health promotions to avoid trichuriasis. Education should be given with appropriate level of knowledge and demographic characteristics of students.Therefore this study aims to determine the level of knowledge students on T. trichiura and its relation to the characteristics of students. The study was conducted in Pesantren X, East Jakarta with cross-sectional design. Data was taken on January 22, 2011 by distributing questionnaire which had questions about T. trichiura to all students. Data was processed with SPSS version 16 and analyzed by chi square and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. The results showed that students have a good level of knowledge were 9 people (5.8%), fair 28 people (18.2%), and poor knowledge 117 people (76%). There were no significant differences between the level of knowledge with their grades, information sources most memorable (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, p> 0.05), and the amount of information (chi square, p = 0.183), but there were significant differences between the level of knowledge on T. trichiura with their sex (chi square, p< 0.05). Therefore, level of knowledge about T. trichiura was not associated with level of education, the amount of information and most memorable information sources but was associated with their sex.