ABSTRAKTeknik anesthesia regional blok subarachnoid (RA BSA) adalah yang paling
banyak dilakukan setelah teknik anesthesia umum inhalasi pipa endotrakea (GA
PET) di RSUP Sanglah. Teknik anesthesia regional blok subarachnoid dapat
menggantikan teknik anesthesia umum pipa endotrakea pada pasien mini
laparatomi (appendisectomy dan laparatomi kehamilan ektopik). Belum pernah
dilakukan studi tentang cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) pada teknik anesthesia
regional blok subarachnoid di RSUP Sanglah. Cost diambil dari catatan medis
penggunaan obat di ruang operasi dan ruang pemulihan. Outcome (efektifitas)
dilihat dari kejadian efek samping pasca operasi (nyeri akut pasca operasi, mual
muntah pasca operasi / PONV dan menggigil (shivering) . Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa teknik anesthesia regional blok subarachnoid lebih cost
effective daripada teknik anesthesia umum pipa endotrakea pada pasien mini
laparatomi (appendisectomi dan laparatomi kehamilan ektopik) di RSUP Sanglah
ABSTRACTRegional anesthesia blok subarachnoid is the most common anesthesia technique
after general anesthesia endotracheal tube at RSUP Sanglah. Regional anesthesia
blok subarachnoid can replaced the general anesthesia endotracheal tube for
minilaparatomy (appendisectomy & laparotomy ectopic pregnancy) patient. None
of report on cost effectiveness analysis for regional anesthesia blok subarachnoid
at RSUP Sanglah. Cost were calculated from anesthesia record paper at the
operating room and recovery room. Outcome were taken from side effect after
operation (acute pain, post operative nausea vomiting and shivering). The result,
anesthesia regional blok subarachnoid were more cost effective than general
anesthesia endotracheal tube for mini laparotomy (appendisectomy and
laparotomy ectopic pregnancy) at RSUP Sanglah Bali.