Studi ini mengeksplor mengenai anteseden dan keefektifan penerapan Ambidextrous Strategy (AS) sebagai prediktor sustainabilitas perusahaan (FS). Dalam model penelitian, AS dihipotesiskan dipengaruhi oleh Kompleksitas Kognisi Organisasional (OCC), Environmental Dynamism (ED), dan moderasi ED terhadap OCC. Studi ini mengangkat Industri Penyiaran Televisi FTA sebagai obyek penelitian dengan tren konvergensi media dan digital TV sebagai konteks ED. Pengolahan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square-Path Modelling (PLS-PM). Metode ini dipilih karena (1) Minimnya jumlah sampel penelitian (2) Model yang relatif kompleks dengan adanya higher-order latent, dan, (3) Kesesuaian dengan tujuan penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini mendukung hipotesis bahwa OCC dan ED berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penerapan Ambidextrous Strategy. Namun, ED ternyata melemahkan hubungan antara OCC dengan AS dan pengaruhnya tidak terbukti signifikan. Penerapan Ambidextrous Strategy terbukti efektif memprediksi sustainability stasiun televisi dalam tren konvergensi media dan digital TV.
This study aims to explore the antecedents of Ambidextrous Strategy (AS) and its practices as the predictor of firm sustainability. Organizational Cognitive Complexity (OCC) and Environmental Dynamism (ED) are hypothesized as the antecedents of AS. Furthermore, relationship between OCC and AS is also tested using ED as moderator variable. The study covers only Free To Air TV Broadcating Industry and explores the issues of media convergence and digital TV as the context of ED. Data are processed using Partial Least Square-Path Modelling (PLS-PM). PLS-PM is chosen because of : (1) small sample size (2) relatively complex model with higher order latents, and, (3) appropriate with the objectives of the study. The results of the study partially support all the hypothesises, which, OCC and ED has positive significant effects on Ambidextrous Strategy practices. ED as moderator is surprisingly weaken the relationship between OCC and AS but the moderating effect is not statistically significant. The practice of AS is statistically significant affecting FS, therefore, AS is a good predictor of FS.