ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Fokus terapi asma adalah mencapai terkendalinya asma secara
adekuat. Childhood Asthma Control Test (CACT) merupakan kuesioner
penilaian terkendalinya asma pada anak yang cepat dan mudah digunakan.
Penggunaan CACT di Indonesia masih terbatas karena kendala bahasa dan
budaya. Sampai saat ini belum ada kuesioner CACT versi Indonesia (terjemahan
CACT ke dalam bahasa Indonesia) yang terbukti sahih dan andal.
Tujuan: Mengetahui kesahihan (validity) dan keandalan (reliability) kuesioner
CACT versi Indonesia.
Metode: Menerjemahkan tujuh pertanyaaan kuesioner CACT menjadi kuesioner
CACT versi Indonesia. Studi potong lintang dilakukan terhadap 66 subjek usia
4-11 tahun yang dipilih secara konsekutif. Semua subjek menjalani uji fungsi paru
dan pemeriksaan peak expiratory flow berkala. Analisis statistik menggunakan
uji Cronbach?s dan uji korelasi Pearson/ Spearman.
Hasil: Rerata usia subjek penelitian adalah 7,89 tahun (5,25 -11,83 tahun) dengan
proporsi jenis kelamin lelaki lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak perempuan. Sebagian
besar subjek penelitian yaitu 60,4% memiliki status asma tidak terkendali (nilai
kuesioner CACT ≤19). Kuesioner CACT versi Indonesia mempunyai keandalan
(Cronbach?s 0,762) dan kesahihan konstruksi (r= 0,384-0,545) yang baik.Tidak
terdapat korelasi bermakna antara kuesioner CACT versi Indonesia dengan nilai
FEV1 (r =-0,024; p=0,846) dan nilai variabilitas mingguan PEF (r=-0,218;
Simpulan: Kuesioner CACT versi Indonesia mempunyai kesahihan dan
keandalan yang baik untuk menilai terkendalinya asma. Kuesioner ini tidak
mempunyai korelasi dengan uji fungsi paru sehingga CACT tidak dapat
menggantikan peran uji fungsi paru sebagai salah satu komponen penilaian
terkendalinya asma.
ABSTRACTBackground: The goal of asthma treatment is to achieve control over the asthma
adequately. The Childhood Asthma Control Test (CACT) is a quick and easy-touse
questionnaire for assessing asthma control on children. The usage of CACT in
Indonesia is limited due to the language and culture barrier. To date, there is no
Indonesian version of CACT questionnaire that is proven to be reliable and valid.
The aim of this study was to validate the Indonesian version of this test.
Objectives: To learn the validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of
Childhood Asthma Control Test (I-CACT).
Methods: Translation of the established seven-item questionnaire into the ICACT.
Cross-sectional study was conducted among 66 participants aged 4-11
years old which were recruited consecutively. All patient undergone pulmonary
function test and measured peak expiratory flow (PEF) regularly. The reliability
of I-CACT was assessed using the internal consistency (Cronbach?s ) and the
validity was assesed by the Pearson/Spearman correlation test.
Results: The mean age was 7.89 years (5.25-11.83y) with predominantly boys.
Sixty percent of participants had uncontrollable asthma (score I-CACT ≤19). Both
the internal consistency reliability (Cronbach?s 0.762) and the constructed
validity (r= 0.384-0.545 ) of the I-CACT were good. No significant correlation
was found between the I-CACT score with the FEV1 (r =-0.024; p=0.846) and the
variability of PEF (r=-0.218; p=0.079) respectively.
Conclusions: I-CACT is a valid and reliable test for assessing asthma control.
However, I-CACT does not correlate well with the pulmonary function test and
therefore is not a substitute to the role of pulmonary function in assessing asthma