ABSTRAKLatar Belakang. Pajanan rendah xylene dapat menyebabkan gangguan neurotoksik. Upaya untuk pencegahan dampak neurotoksik tersebut antara lain deteksi gejala dini neurotoksik. Penelitian tentang pajanan rendah xylene dalam jangka waktu lama pada pekerja di Indonesia belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji hubungan pajanan rendah xylene dengan terjadinya gejala dini neurotoksik. Metode. Desain cross sectional, dilakukan pada 97 orang pekerja terpajan xylene. Tingkat pajanan xylene ditentukan dengan metode semikuantitatif. Menggunakan data sekunder pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala pekerja dan hasil pengisian kuesioner Swedish Q16. Hasil. Prevalensi gejala dini neurotoksik didapatkan pada 19,6% pekerja dengan pajanan rendah xylene dalam jangka waktu lama. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara tingkat pajanan (exposure rating) xylene dengan terjadinya gejala dini neurotoksik (p = 0,036). Faktor umur, status gizi, masa kerja, kebiasaan merokok, minum kopi dan alkohol, serta penggunaan APD tidak berhubungan bermakna dengan gejala dini neurotoksik. Kesimpulan. Pajanan rendah xylene berhubungan dengan terjadinya gejala dini neurotoksi
ABSTRACTBackground. Low exposure of xylene can cause neurotoxic disorders. Early detection by using Swedish Q16 questionnaire can help prevent neurotoxic effects. There has only been a few study on long-term, low xylene exposure in Indonesian workers. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between low xylene exposure and early neurotoxic symptoms. Method. The cross-sectional study was carried out on 97 workers exposed to xylene. The exposure level was determined with semiquantitative methods, using secondary data from annual medical check-up from workers and Swedish Q 16 questionnaires. Results. Early neurotoxic symptoms prevalence were found in 19.6% workers who are exposed to low level of xylene in long term. There is a significant relationship between xylene exposure rating (ER) with early neurotoxic symptom (p=0.036). Other factors, including age, nutritional status, period of employment , smoking, alcohol and coffee consumption, and the use of PPE was not significantly associated with early symptom of neurotoxicity. Conclusion. Low xylene exposure is associated with early symptom of neurotoxic.