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UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Proporsi defleksi kanalis fallopii segmen mastoid menggunakan high-resolution multidetector computed tomography pada tulang temporal normal = The proportion of mastoid segment of fallopian canal deflection using high-resolution multidetector with normal temporal bone

Dessy Wimelda; Vally Wulani, supervisor; Harim Priyono, examiner; Joedo Prihartono, supervisor; Indriati Suroyo, examiner; Arman Adel Abdullah, examiner (Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013)


Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data profil kanalis fallopii segmen mastoid dan korda timpani sebelum operasi mastoidektomi untuk mengurangi angka morbiditas cedera kanalis fallopii akibat operasi.
Metode: Pada penelitian retrospektif ini dilakukan rekonstruksi High-Resolution Computed Tomography tulang temporal terhadap 100 tulang temporal normal pada 50 pasien yang menjalani pemeriksaan CT scan kepala dan leher, yang diambil dari raw-data mulai Desember 2012 sampai Februari 2013. Rekonstruksi dilakukan dengan parameter ketebalan irisan 0,6 cm, increment 0,3 cm, Kernel filter Very Sharp (H70s), Window setting Osteo/Mastoid, menggunakan pesawat MDCT Somatom Definition Flash Dual Source 128 slice.
Hasil dan diskusi: Bentuk kanalis fallopii segmen mastoid paling banyak ditemukan tipe lurus sebanyak 75%, defleksi terhadap bidang sagital dan defleksi terhadap bidang horizontal anatomi paling banyak ditemukan tidak terdapat defleksi sebanyak 62% dan 68%. Percabangan korda timpani paling banyak ditemukan intratemporal sebanyak 75%, yang tersering pada 1/3 distal kanalis fallopii segmen mastoid. Sudut korda timpani yang dibentuk korda timpani terhadap kanalis fallopii segmen mastoid paling banyak ditemukan antara 16 sampai 30 derajat sebanyak 37,3%. Ukuran korda timpani yang minimal tervisualisasi adalah 0,04 cm.
Kesimpulan: Proporsi defleksi kanalis fallopii segmen mastoid terhadap bidang sagital dan horizontal adalah tidak terdapat defleksi.

Objectives: This research was conducted to obtain profile data of mastoid segment of fallopian canal and tympanic cord before masteidectomy to reduce the morbidity rate of surgery-related fallopian canal injury.
Material and method: In this retrospective study reconstruction of High Resolution Computed Tomography of the temporal bone in 100 normal temporal bone in 50 patients who underwent a CT scan of the head and neck, were taken from the raw-data from December 2012 to February 2013. Reconstruction is done by parameters slice thickness 0,6 cm, increment 0,3 cm, Kernel filter Very Sharp (H70s), Window setting Osteo/Mastoid,using MDCT Somatom Definition Flash Dual Source 128 slice.
Result: Mastoid segment of fallopian canal commonly found type of straight as much as 75%, deflection of the sagittal plane and the horizontal field of anatomy most commonly found there was no deflection were 62% and 68%, respectively. Branching chordate tympani most commonly found intratemporal as much as 75%, which is common in 1/3 distal of mastoid segmen fallopian canal. The angled formed by chorda tympani and mastoid segment fallopian canal is most prevalent among 16 to 30 degrees as much as 37.3%. The minimum size of the chorda tympani is 0.04 cm.
Conclusion: Proportion of deflection mastoid segment facial canal of the sagittal and horizontal plane there is no deflection.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T-Pdf
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Penerbitan : Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiv, 52 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
No. Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
T-Pdf 15-20-577729594 TERSEDIA
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