Fokus penelitian ini yaitu untuk melihat bagaimana hubungan antara tingkat stres dan tingkat partisipasi Wanita Tuna Susila selama masa rehabilitasi di PSKW Mulya Jaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Populasi serta sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa binaan semester dua angkatan 2012 sebanyak 69 yang diambil dengan metode total sampling. Untuk melihat korelasi pada dua variabel tersebut menggunakan tabel silang dan uji korelasi Gamma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif antara tingkat stres terhadap tingkat partisipasi dengan nilai koefisien korelasi kuat.
The focus of this study is to see how the relationship between the level of stress and the level of participation of prostitutes during the rehabilitation period in PSKW Mulya Jaya. This research is quantitative research described descriptively. Population and samples in this study were students assisted of the second semesters at 2012 as many 69 respondents were taken with a total sampling methods. To see correlation of two variables, this study have used cross table and Gamma correlation test. The results showed that there is a negative relationship between the level of stress and the level of participation with a strong correlation coefficient.