ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas dominasi pihak koxporasi dalam kebiakan pcmerintahan Amerika Serikat di Timur Tengah dengan Studi kasus bisnis tentara bayaran pascaperang Irak tahun 2003. Fokus masalah dalam penelitian ini teranglcum dalam tiga pertanyaan inti. Pertama, mengapa pihak korporasi AS dapat menjalankan bisnis tentara bayaran mcrcka pascapcrang Irak tahun 2003? Kedua, bagaimana praktik bisnis tentara bayaran yang dilaksanakan Oleh AS pascaperang Irak tahun 2003? Dan, ketiga, bagaimana prospck serta tantangan bisnis tentaxa bayaran AS di Irak pada masa yang akan datang?
Teori yang digunakan sebagai pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah teori ekonomi neoliberal serta teori pemerintahan korporatisme. Keduanya adalah teori ekonomi politik. Dengan rnenggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan studi kasus, penelitian ini menghwilkan beberapa kesimpulan, yaitu scbagai berikut. Pcrtama, terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara pihak koprorasi dengan para politisi dari Partai Republik di AS yang menyebabkan pihak korporasi dapat melaksanakan bisnis tentara bayaran di lrak pascaperang. Kedua, bisnis tentara bayaran tersebut, dilakukan melalui pintu proyek rekonstruksi I1-ak pascaperang. Ketiga., prospek bisnis tentara bayaran di Irak pada masa yang akan datang sangat bergantung kepada karakter rezim yang berkuasa. Presiden Barrack Obama memang berjanji untuk menarik pasukan militer dari Irak, tetapi di sisi lain, dia oenderung mempenahankan tentara bayaran AS di Irak untuk mengamankan infiasturicnnr minyak yang sudah mereka kuasai.
ABSTRACTThis thesis speaks about the corporate domination of the United States govemment policy in the Middle East, in the case study the mercenaries business during postwar Iraq in 2003. This research is focused in three main questions. First, why did the United States corporate mercenaries be able to conduct their business during postwar Iraq on year 2003? Second, how did the United States run their Mercenaries Business during postwar Iraq on year2003? And the Third, what is the prospect for the US mercenaries business in Iraq and their challenges ahead?
To analyze the subject, this research is using the neo-liberal economic theory and the theory of state corporatism; both are the theory of political economy. By using the qualitative method through study case analysis, this research has tinally come into three conclusions. First, there is a strong connection between the corporation and the US Republican politicians that make the corporations were able to conduct their mercenaries business during postwar Iraq. Second, the business was held by the mean of the postwar reconstruction project in Iraq. Third, the prospect of the mercenaries business will be strongly depending on the characteristic ofthe ruling govemment. Though President Barrack Obama had promised to Withdraw the US Army fiom Iraq, he tends to maintain the US mercenaries so that _they will be able to keep the Iraq Oil secured at their hands.