Kehadiran media informasi alternatif seperti radio, televisi dan internet menjadikan industri surat kabar cetak sebagai industri informasi, semakin sulit meningkatkan minat pembaca Karena selain harus bersaing dengan produk alternatif Surat kabar cetak juga harus bersaing dengan kompetitor sejenis dalam banyak atribut, seperti harga, kemasan, kualitas isi serta iklan dan brand name. Untuk memenangkan persaingan banyak media mencoba melakukan reposisioning atributnya dengan harapan mampu menciptakan pembaca loyal, karena diyakini jauh lebih murah effortnya dibanding berusaha meningkatkan jumlah pembaca secara langsung. Melalui survey lapangan dengan kuesioner secara xandom terhadap 215 individu pelanggan Koran TEMPO di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Diperoleh hasil analisis data kuantitatif] bahwa secara sendiri-sendiri atribut repositioning nama, harga, kemasan dan advertising berpengaruhh signifikan terhadap loyalitas pembaca walaupun pengaruhnya lemah. Namun secara bersama, atributo-atribut itu tidak berpengaruhh terhadap loyalitas pembaca.
The presence of broadcast media which are radio and television and the growth of online media has been creating problem for newspaper as a part of print media to increase its mmiber of readers. The main reason is, this print media should compete with alternative products and also compete with other attributes such as price, package, content quality, advertisement and brand. For having stronger position in this competitive market, some of media company tried to do re-positioning its product to create loyal readers. They believed that this action is more efticient and effective to increase the number of rmders. This research has conducted a quantitative analysis method and done through the lield survey with randomly questioner into 215 individual customers of Koran TEMPO in DKI Jakarta area. The result was, the media re-positioning in term of name, price, package and advertising, can give significant influence to loyalty readers even though it was weak correlations. ln addition, those attributes were not give any influences to loyality of readers.