Why an individual decide to migrate? By reviewing theoretical explanation, it is found that decision-making determinants are comparison of expected utility in origin and destination measured by income and location amenities minus migration costs incurred. Expectations are formed by observable and unobservable individual characteristics. With logit model, migration decision-making empirical model was constructed such as: decision to move was explained by ratio of expenditure, ratio of location indices, individuals' sex, age, education, and area in which they lived before migration. It was hypothesized that better expenditure and location indices will drive intention to migrate, males are more mobile than females, younger people are more likely to move than older people, people with higher education have higher intention to move, an.d urban people are less likely to move than rural people. Empirically tested by using 1997 IFLS, 1996 Susenas, and 1996 PODES data, it is found that expenditure, sex, age, school and health indices are insignificant while education, business and recreation index are significant.