Pengelasan TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) men1 pakan salah satu metode pengelasan yang banyak digunnkan dalam industri mnnufaktur terutamn vang ber<,:erak di bidnng otomotiC penerbangan. dan penyambungan logam tipis. Nrun un. penggunaan metode pengelasan ini hnuya terbatas knrena banvn di lakukan oleh para operator berpengalaman dan mahal dalam pemakaian. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cam memberikan pengaruh medan mngnetik kepada busur las. Med nn magnet dibangkitkan dengan menggunakan em pat solenoid yang di lewkkan di sekeliling busur las. Pengaktifan medan magnet dikendaliknn oleh modul yang terhubung dengan komputer. Torch didesain agar dapat bergerak vertikal sedangkan benda uji bergerak mampu bergerak maju dan mundur.Citra pergerakan busur selama pengelasnn direkam deng3Jlmenggunak3Jl CCO camera. Hasil penelitian ini adalah busur las menjadi stabi l. penet rasi menjadi lebih dalam dan pemakoian dnya yang lebih rendah.
Economics growing in Indonesia encourages Indonesian w bu ild new industries from big to small scale industry. one of them is industry related to "elding technology. TIG welding is one of "elding methods that mainll used in manufact uring such as automotive.aircraft. household appliances.and other metal joimng industry. However. the method cannot be implemented 111 common sociely because the process is expensi1·e and needs experienced person to operate it. Based on the problems. this research tries to resolve them. This research is conducted by giving electromagnetic elfect to arc welding. The electromagnetic effect is generated by positioning four solenoids around the arc. The activation of electromagnetic field is controlled by module connected to personal computer. Torch moi'CS in vertical direction. meanwhile \\Orkpiece in horizontal direction. During welding process. the movement of arc welding is then captmed by CCD camera. By cond ucting the research. the new TIG welding method will give stability in arc. deeper penet ration.and lower energy consumption.