The succesful of TB patient treatment most depends on patient compliance in treatment process in term of medication regurally, cure, and repeated laboratorium confirmation test. Failer in treatment could lead into multi drug resistant. Hence, monitoring patient contracting the disease in early stages can help to predict that dotb motivator roles very important. The focus of this study is to understanding the influence of Muhammadiayh Aisyiyah TB motivator activities in the patient compliance in treatment process at early stages. This study takes place at koja and cilincing sub district, North Jakarta starts from januari 2009 to mei 2010. The research method is using restrosfective cohort. The subject of study group divides into two groups. One group accompanied with TB motivators and another without TB motivators. The subject comes from the same register. Sample selected by total sampling with a total of 110 patiens. Data analysis was descriptive, bi-variate, stratification and causal model by multivariate. Exellent TB motivators in TB treatment process have a bigger proportion (77,9%) than fair TB motivator (57,14%). Each motivator has a relationship with compliance for example promoting, counseling, PMO, and motivator assistance. Multivariate analysis result gives an information the relationship between motivator role and high compliance treatment after controlling confounding variables such as age and knowledge. An excellent motivator has 2,11 times to increase compliance compare with fair motivator (95% CI 0,87 ? 5.11).