Dikelilingi oleh berbagai resiko bisnis yang mengancam, perusahaan diperhadapkan pada suatu keharusan untuk memiliki suatu rencana agar bisnisnya tersebut tetap terlindungi. Disaster recovery plan merupakan salah satu alat yang dapat diutilisasi sebagai alat perlindungan khususnya untuk melindungi fungsi IT. Tujuan utama dari tesis ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi risiko kritis IT PT XYZ dan mengajukan rekomendasi atas disaster recovery plan yang saat ini dimiliki PT XYZ.
Rekomendasi dibuat berdasarkan analisa berbasis kerangka teori yang diperoleh saat studi literatur. Tesis in menggunakan metode penelitian bersifat kualitatif dan deskriptif. Data - data diperoleh lewat observasi dan wawancara. Tesis ini menghasilkan beberapa rekomendasi seperti update periodik atas disaster recovery plan ketika terjadi perubahan dan menambah kapasitas jaringan network bandwith.
Surrounded with various endangering risks, businesses were forced to have a proper plan in place to ensure their businesses are well protected. Disaster recovery plan is one of the tools that can be utilized to protect businesses in particular IT function. The main purpose of this thesis is to identify PT XYZ's critical IT risks and propose recommendation from the existing disaster recovery. Recommendation is made based on theoretical framework based analysis obtained during study literature. This thesis is qualitative and descriptive research. The data was collected though observation and interview. This thesis suggests that there are several areas that need to be improved by PT XYZ such as regular updates on the plan whenever changes occured and expanding existing network bandwith capacity.