Tesis ini meneliti perlindungan hukum bagi pengusaha Perikanan Pada Pelelangan Ikan Hasil Tangkapan Kapal Berdasarkan Pasal 45 KUHAP dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normative dan analisis kualitatif , perlindungan hukum pengusaha perikanan pada pelelangan hasil tangkapan ikan berdasarkan Pasal 45 KUHAP dan harga ikan dilelang dibawah harga wajar berdasarkan penelitian ini, pelaksanaan lelang barang sitaan berupa ikan berdasarkan Vendu Regliement dan Pasal 45 KUHAP, kurang memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi pengusaha perikanan. Penentuan harga tidak berdasarkan harga pasar dilelang dibawah harga pasar. Pengusaha perikanan juga kurang diperhatikan haknya pada. Kasus lelang ikan milik P.T. Alsum Kampar Semesta barang bukti dilelang seharusnya persetujuan pengusaha sebagai pemilik barang bukan dari nakhoda, Pasal 45 KUHAP ditinjau kembali agar lebih memberikan perlindungan kepada pengusaha perikanan jika akhirnya pengusaha perikanan beserta kapal penangkap ikan dinyatakan tidak bersalah. kerugian yang diderita oleh pengusaha perikanan tidaklah besar.
This thesis examines the legal protection for the fisheries entrepreneur at seized fish auctioned under Article 45 of the Criminal Procedure Code Law (Pasal 45 KUHAP) using a normative juridical research methods and qualitative analysis. Fisheries entrepreneur at seized fish auctioned under Article 45 Criminal Procedure Code Law (Pasal 45 KUHAP) is not fully protected by law and the price of the fish auctioned is below market price. The implementation of seized fish auctioned under Vendu Reglement and Article 45 Criminal Procedure Code Law (Pasal 45 KUHAP) does not provide legal protection for fisheries entrepreneur. The determiniation of the reserve price in this auction is not based on market price. The case of seised fish auction of P.T. Alsum Kampar Semesta, shows that the fisheries enterpreneur is not fully protected by law. The auction should be conducted base on the approval of entrepreneur as owners of the goods instead of the shipmaster. Therefore, Article 45 of the Criminal Procedure Code Law (Pasal 45 KUHAP) should be reviewed to give more protection for fisheries entrepreneur in order to minimize in the implementaton of seized fish auctioned under entrepreneur eiventually found not quilty losses suffered by the fisheries entrepreneur.