Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah berdampak perubahan baru terhadap pelayanan keperawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pengaruh sistem informasi supervisi keperawatan berbasis komputerisasiterhadap kualitas informasi dan kepuasan pengguna informasi supervisi keperawatan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi pre experimental design dengan rancangan one group pretest postest design. Sampel penelitian adalah 63 perawat dan 50 dokumen kualitas informasi.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh/kenaikan yang signifikan sistem informasi supervisi keperawatan terhadap kualitas informasi dengan perbedaan mean 12,24 (10%) dan kepuasan pengguna dengan perbedaan mean 4,93(10,1%) sebelum dengan sesudah berbasis komputerisasi. (p = 0,000; α : 0,05). Peneliti merekomendasikan penyempurnaan komponen sistem informasi, penerapan dan evaluasi.
The development of science and technology affects on the new alteration of nursing service systems. This research was aimed at identifying the effects of computer-based nursing supervision information system towards the information of quality and satisfactions of nursing ascendancy. This research was a study of pre experimental design by using one group pretest postestdesign. The sample of this research was 63 nurses and 50 information quality documents. The result of this research showedthat there was significant effects of the nursing supervision information towards the quality of nursing ascendancy with the mean rate of 12,24 (10%) and the users satisfaction is 4,93 (10,1%) before and after the computer-based technology. (p = 0,000; α : 0,05). The researcher recommends the hospital stakeholders to imperfect the components systems as well as to give feedback for the evaluation and implementation steps.