Penelitian bertujuan menjelaskan pengaruh terapi suportif terhadap ansietas siswa dalam menghadapi UN. Menggunakan desain quasi experiment pre-post test with control group. Sejumlah 82 sampel dipilih secara purposive sampling. Kuesioner yang valid dan reliabel dianalisis menggunakan independent t-test, dependent ttest dan regresi linier ganda.
Hasil menunjukkan penurunan ansietas pada kedua kelompok (p-value < α 0,05) dengan selisih score ansietas kelompok intervensi (0,821) dan kelompok kontrol (0,454). Penurunan ansietas dipengaruhi oleh terapi suportif, jenis kelamin dan penghasilan orang tua, dengan peluang perubahan 27,9%. Terapi direkomendasikan untuk mengatasi ansietas pada siswa yang menghadapi UN.
This study aimed to explain the effect of supportive therapy on students anxiety for facing National Examination. The design was quasi experiment pre-post test with control group. A number of 82 students were selected using purposive sampling. Data collected using validated and reliable questionairre were analyzed by independent t-test, dependent t-test and double linear regression. The result indicated decreased anxiety (p-value < α 0,05) with quarrel score for intervention group was higher than that of control group. The decreased of anxiety was influenced by supportive therapy, sex and their parents income with the determination coefficient was 27.9%. Supportive therapy is recommended to solve students? anxiety when they facing National Examination.