Tesis ini menganalisis peralihan bentuk badan hukum menurut kebijakan negara, sementara status hukum TVRI (Televisi Republik Indonesia) yang pada awalnya yayasan tidak pernah dijadikan pertimbangan di setiap perubahannya. Metode penelitian secara yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan preskriptif. Analisis penelitian secara evaluatif analitis yang mengarah pada pelurusan masalah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengalihan bentuk TVRI dari dan ke persero menimbulkan problema kekayaan, modal, dan kepegawaian. Juga prosedur dan mekanisme yang mempunyai karakter sendiri, karena bagi persero berlaku prinsip dan ketentuan perseroan terbatas sebagaimana diatur dalam peraturan perundangan.
This Thesis analyses the conversion form of the legal entity form based on the state policy, and meanwhile the previous legal status of TVRI in the form of foundation never have been considered in each stage of its conversion or amendment. The research methodology used in analyzing issues is legal-normative with prescriptive and evaluative approaches on the existing issues. The research has found that the conversion form of PT TVRI as state owned enterprise into The Public Broadcasting Institution creating problematic issues on the assets, capital and employment. The procedure and mechanism in converting form governed by their own rules and having their own characteristic which is different with the others - which applying the applicable principles, and terms and conditions for the limited liability company based on its prevailing regulation.