Dalam tesis ini dibahas cara pemilihan penggunaan obat bebas oleh kader CBIA (Cara Belajar Ibu Aktif) dan non CBIA di Pandeglang (2009), serta faktor pendorong penghambatnya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode wawancara mendalam dan diskusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kader CBIA menggunakan obat dengan sesuai aturan. Pada kader non CBIA meskipun tepat dalam dosis obat namun tidak tepat dalam hal jenis dan lama penggunaan obat. Selanjutnya, hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan obat cenderung meningkatkan kewaspadaan penggunaan obat, serta iklan obat elektronik diduga mempengaruhi pilihan nama obat yang akan digunakan. Faktor karakteristik individu, akses, keterpaparan informasi obat media elektronik serta dukungan tenaga kesehatan dan keluarga cenderung mempengaruhi perilaku pemilihan penggunaan obat bebas.
The research was aimed to study on selecting and utilizing the non prescription drug by cadres in Pandeglang Disrict, 2009. It also examined both supporting and inhibiting factors of the self-medication behavior. It was a qualitative research which employed in depth interview and group discussion methods to obtain data. The results concluded that among CBIA's cadres were likely to use the medicine properly. On the contrary, the non CBIA's cadre tended to select the wrong medicine and utilize inappropriate length of therapy. Furthermore, the results showed that knowledge on drug use might increase the awareness in the medicine utilization. Electronic advertisement could influence the informant's preference in selecting certain medicine brand. Therefore, the selection and utilization of non prescription medicine tended to be influenced by the following factors : individual characteristics, exposure to drug information and accessibility to electronic media. It was also influenced by both health professional and family support.