Jasa pelayanan rumah sakit pada zaman sekarang mengalami perkembangan seiring adanya peningkatan kebutuhan dari masyarakat dan bertambahnya jumlah rumah sakit swasta. Banyaknya rumah sakit swasta menjadi alasan untuk persaingan kualitas pelayanan jasa rumah sakit, karena keberhasilan industri jasa adalah kepuasan maksimal dari konsumen yang dapat diraih dengan kualitas pelayanannya. Dapat dikatakan bahwa untuk mencapai kualitas pelayanan jasa yang baik, harus dapat memenuhi keinginan dan kebutuhan dari pasien yang dirawat.
Diawali dengan mencari permasalahan, yaitu keinginan dan kebutuhan untuk kepuasan pasien menggunakan metode Quality Function Deployment. Setelah itu, mencari penyelesaian masalah dan usulan pemenuhan keinginan dan kebutuhan dari pasien yang paling vital menggunakan metode TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving).
Nowdays, the service quality of hospitals develops in line with the increasing of number of society's needs and private hospitals. The increasing of number of private hospitals. Caused competition among the hospitals. The success of service quality of the companies determined by maximum satisfaction of customer to their quality. Therefore, private hospitals should give better value and improvement to the society continually. Based on the explanation above, it can be said that the quality of good services can be achieved by the needs and desires of patients that have been fulfilled. The first step of the research was to determine the problem statement which is about the needs and desires of patient to get their satisfaction by using QFD (quality function deployment). The next step was looking for the problem solving and suggestion to fulfill the important desires and needs of patients by using TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) method.