Pati singkong terpregelatinasi merupakan hasil modifikasi pati smgkong yang memiliki sifat fisik dan kimia yang membuatnya dapat digunakan dalam formulasi tablet cetak langsung. Pada penelitian mi pati singkong terpregelatinasi dibuat dan sus;nsi yang meigañdung air sebanyak lebih kurang 55 % terhadap bobot kering pati dan pemanasan dilakukan path suhu 100 0C. Pati singkong terpregelatinasi yang dihasilkan dibagi kedalam tiga ukuran partikel yakni 60/100, 100/200 dan> 200 mesh. Ketiganya digunakan dalam formuiasi untuk mensubstitusi jumlah Avicel yang digunakan path formula standar secara berkala. SWat fisik tablet digunakan sebagai parameter untuk melihat kemampuan pati singkong terpregelatinasi dan masing-masing ukuran partikel sebagai pengisi dan pengikat dalam tablet cetak langsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pati singkong terpregelatinasi dapat digunakan thiam formulasi tablet pinidoksin hidroklorith cetak langsung. Pati singkong terpregelatinasi dengan ukuran 60/100 mesh dapat menggantikan Avicel sebanyak 50 % dan jumlah Avicel yang digunakan path formula standar. Pati singkong terpregelatinasi dengan ukuran> 200 mesh thpat menggantikan hingga 75 % sedangkan pati singkong terpregelatinasi dengan ukuran 100/200 mesh dapat menggantikan keseluruhan jumlah Avicel yang digunakan path formula standar. Tablet dan ketiga formula tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan sifat fisik tablet yang ditetapkan oleh Farmakope Indonesia edisi IV dan buku-buku acuan resmi lainnya.
Pregelatinized tapioca starch is a modification product of tapioca starch with physical and chemical properties, which make it able to be utilized in the formulation of directly compressed tablet. In this research, the pregelatinized tapioca starch was made from a suspension, which contents ± 55 % water from dry starch weight and dried at 1000C. The obtained result was separated into three particle sizes: 60/100, 100/200 and finer than 200 mesh. The pregelatinized starch from those three particle sizes was used to substitute the amount of Avicel in the standard formulation subsequently. The physical properties of tablet were used as a parameter to determine the ability of pregelatinized tapioca starch as a filler-binder in directly compressed pyridoxine hydrochloride tablet. The result showed that pregelatinized tapioca starch might be used in the formulation of directly compressed pyridoxine hydrochloride tablet. Pregelatinized tapioca starch which size is 60/100 mesh can replace Avicel up to 50 % from the amount of Avicel, which was used in the standard formulation. The one which size is finer than 200 mesh can replace up to 75 % and the other which size is 100/200 mesh can replace the whole Avicel, which was used in the standard formulation. The tablets from those three formulations have fulfilled physical property conditions of pyridoxine hydrochloride tablet, which has been determined by the 4th edition of Farmakope Indonesia and the other official references.