Skripsi ini membahas tentang proses yang dilalui tokoh Chouchou sebagai tokoh utama film Chouchou dalam mengonstruksikan identitas gendernya. Film Chouchou menceritakan tentang Chouchou, seorang transgenderis Aljazair yang datang ke Perancis, yang mengalami konflik batin berkaitan dengan identitas gendernya. Film Chouchou sebagai sumber data diteliti dan dianalisis berdasarkan unsur alur, tokoh, setting, dan musik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konstruksi identitas gender Chouchou melalui tahapan-tahapan yang sulit dan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama serta dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti tokoh-tokoh dan lingkungan sekitar Chouchou
This thesis discusses about the process that Chouchou had been through as a main character in the film titled Chouchou to construct his gender identity. This film tells about Chouchou, an Algerian transgenderist who came to France, with an internal conflict about his gender identity. The film Chouchou, as the primary source, was analyzed through its aspects, such as plot, character, setting, and music. The analysis shows that the construction of Chouchou_s gender identity went through several stages that were neither easy nor short. It was also influenced by various other elements, such as other supporting characters and the situation that evolved around Chouchou.