Ibu hamil di Sumatera Barat memiliki kepercayaan bahwa mengkonsumsi buah nanas pada usia kehamilan sejak usia kehamilan diatas 36 minggu dapat membantu melancarkan proses persalinan. Penelitian case control ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengaruh konsumsi nanas oleh ibu hamil terhadap konstraksi uterus ibu bersalin. Penelitian dilaksanakan di tujuh Puskesmas di Kota Padang Sumatera Barat. Sampel adalah ibu dengan usia kehamilan diatas 37 minggu, 40 kelompok kasus, 40 kelompok kontrol.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa konsumsi nanas, paritas dan tanda klinis anemia memiliki pengaruh terhadap konstraksi uterus ibu bersalin. Diperlukan uji laboratorium dan uji klinis ebih lanjut tentang manfaat buah nanas terhadap konstraksi uterus ibu bersalin.
Pregnant women in West sumatra has a belief that consuming pineapple at gestational age from the age above 36 weeks of pregnancy can help smooth the process of childbirth. The case control research was aimed to assess the effect of pineapple consumption by pregnant women on mother's uterine contraction of childbirth. The research was conducted in seven health centers in Padang, West Smatra. Samples were mothers with gestational age above 37 weeks, 40 groups of cases, 40 group of control. The results are several factors that influence the mother's uterine contractions of childbirth, is pineapple consumption, parity, and clinical signs of anemia. Necessary laboratory tests and clinical trials more about the benefits of pineapple on mother's uterine contractions of childbirth.