Thought stopping pada penelitian sebelumnya efektif terhadap ansietas tetapi belum optimal menurunkan respon fisiologis ansietas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan pengaruh terapi thought stopping dan progressive muscle relaxation terhadap ansietas klien dengan gangguan fisik. Metode penelitian adalah quasi experimental pre-post test with control group. Penelitian dilakukan pada 56 klien yaitu 28 kelompok intervensi mendapat thought stopping dan progressive muscle relaxation dan 28 kelompok kontrol hanya mendapat thought stopping.
Hasil menunjukan ansietas klien yang mendapat thought stopping dan progressive muscle relaxation menurun dari ansietas sedang ke ansietas ringan sedangkan yang mendapat thought stopping menurun tetapi tetap berada pada ansietas sedang. Thought stopping dan progressive muscle relaxation menurunkan respon fisiologis, kognitif, perilaku dan emosi secara bermakna (p value<0,05).
Thought stopping dan progressive muscle relaxation direkomendasikan unruk penanganan ansietas di tahanan rumah sakit umum dan masyarakat. Previous research had showed that thought stopping decreased anxiety but not yet optimal in physiological responses of anxiety. This study aims to determine the influence of thought stopping and progressive muscle relaxation on anxiety of physical disorder patient. This study used quasi experimental design with pre test-post test control group. Total population were 56 patients that divided into two group. They were 28 patients as control group that received thought stopping and 28 patients as intervention group received combination thought stopping and progressive muscle relaxation.
Result showed anxiety in intervention group decreased from moderate anxiety to mild anxiety and control group decreased still in moderate anxiety. Thought stopping and progressive muscle relaxation decreased physiologic, cognitive, behavior and emotional responses of anxiety significantly (p-value<0,05). The combination of this therapy was recommended as therapy to solve the anxiety at general hospital and community.