Artikel Jurnal :: Kembali

Artikel Jurnal :: Kembali

Evaluasi kebijakan subsidi benih jagung kasus kabupaten Jeneponto, Sulawesi Selatan

([Publisher not identified] , [Date of publication not identified] )


Corn seed subsidy policy is one of the ministry of agriculture's development programs which was estabilished in 2006 and continued in 2008 . The aim of this policy is to increase area of hybrid corn, increase production and productivity, open job opportunity and improve farmer's income,acclerate the developmentof national corn seed industry, provide feed industry and raw material for food industry and support corn self-sufficiency program....


Jenis Koleksi : Artikel Jurnal
Subjek :
Majalah/Jurnal : Analisis kebijakan pertanian 6 (3) Sep 2008 : 256 - 271
No. Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
Tidak ada ulasan pada koleksi ini: 121423