Penelitian tentang kandungan bahan organik, senyawa n-alkana, aromatik, dan total hidrokarbon dalam sedimen di perairan Raha, Sulawesi Tenggara telah dilakukan pada Juni 2001. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sedimen di stasiun 1 dan 4 telah tercemar oleh hidrokarbon minyak bumi. Hal ini tampak dari perbandingan antara F1/F2 (fraksi hidrokarbon jenuh/fraksi hidrokarbon aromatik) > 1. Sedangkan berdasarkan kandungan total hidrokarbonnya, menurut kriteria dari NAS (National Academy of Science) hanya sedimen di stasiun 2 dan 5 yang telah tercemar oleh senyawa hidrokarbon minyak bumi (>100 ppm).
The content of organic material, n-alkana, aromatic compound and hydrocarbon total in the sediment was carried out in the waters of Raha, Southeast of Sulawesi. Investigation on content of organic material, n-alkana, aromatic compound and hydrocarbon total in the sediment was carried out in the waters of Raha, Southeast of Sulawesi in June 2001. The results showed that the sediment at station 1 and 4 were polluted by hydrocarbon compound. This condition is showed by F1/F2 ratio (comparation between saturated hydrocarbon fraction with aromatic hydrocarbons fraction) > 1. According to NAS (National Academy of Science) criteria on total hydrocarbon content, station 2 and 5 only were polluted by hydrocarbons compound (>100 ppm).