ABSTRAKThis research is aimed to know about the employees? job satisfaction, the leadership of the managers, and the service quality condition of PT Daifuku Indonesia. The employees? job satisfaction refers to the common attitude of each individual towards his/her job. A person with high job satisfaction shows positive manner towards the job,
meanwhile an employee who is not satisfied with job shows negative manner towards it. There are at least four factors involved namely: work climate, fair award, promotion opportunity and relationship among colleagues. Leadership is an ability to influence a team to reach the target. The source of this influence can be formal, like what is shown by the managerial level ownership in an organization. The influence of leadership can be seen from the leader?s attitude, the environment contingency factor and the employee contingency factor. Service quality is the output quality of an organization that focuses on the customers? satisfaction. The better the service quality produced by an organization, the better the organization is in satisfying its customers. Attributes which are hoped by
customers from the service quality of an organization includes tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.
The method applied in this research is descriptive - qualitative method. The analysis is based on the data collected from employees and customers of PT Daifuku Indonesia as the respondents. The result of the descriptive ? qualitative analysis shows that job satisfaction, leadership and service quality are high enough. Based on the finding, it can be concluded that first, the job satisfaction of the
employees at PT Daifuku Indonesia has been high enough since in general the employees have felt satisfied with the fair and the leader?s behavior conception of the company. Second conclusion is that the leader?s role in PT Daifuku Indonesia towards job satisfaction level is effective enough because the leaders? behavior is vary based
upon neighbouring and subordinates contiguity factors. The third conclusion is that the participation of the employees and managers of PT Daifuku Indonesia in generating the service quality of the organization which was influenced by work satisfaction has been
proved high enough. The recent employees? participation has not been escorted by the communication competence and job overview so the service quality produced is not maximal yet. Service quality condition of PT Daifuku Indonesia has made the customers satisfied. The customer satisfaction is influenced by the customers? perception about the measurement of service quality and other neighbouring contiguity like the obstacles found in the custom office.